There are no baseless fears. Someone has had an unpleasant experience of anesthesia in a clinical hospital, and that was enough.Intellectually, you understand that everything is the best in plastic surgery, this is not urgent surgery, but you can’t agree with yourself to enter an artificial sleep.
Fear of anesthesia is not in the first place, but there are too many questions.
The anesthetist is the person who should know absolutely EVERYTHING about you!This minimizes risks in the hands of a Professional.
1. Waking up during an operation, a myth or Waking up during an operation is rather casuistry, especially at the present time.
The first rule of the Harvard Safety Standard is to have the anesthesiologist at the patient's side for the ALL operation.
The patient is connected to tracking equipment, so we see a change in the parameters of his state on the monitors.Based on this, it is clear when which component of anesthesia needs to be deepened.
Therefore, dear patients, there is no need to be afraid to wake up during the operation!
I would like to say a couple of words from myself.
Often patients, coming to the operation, from the threshold say: I'm scared!I am afraid!
To which I reply that it is completely normal and natural to worry and worry. Everything incomprehensible and unknown always scares us.
A conversation with an anesthesiologist is also needed for acquaintance.In order to find out all the information about you, about your mood, to dispel all your fears and fears.
Don't be afraid to ask even the dumbest questions you think. And after, having received answers to them, in a good mood, go to become even more beautiful!
2. Is it true that anesthesia has long-term consequences (what?) and should not be done often
And what is the minimum interval, without harm to health, between two non-urgent operations with general anesthesia?
At the moment, all the drugs that we use during anesthesia are safe and do not cause long-term effects.
Hypothetically, surgery under general anesthesia is possible even the next day.However, here the situation should be assessed from a surgical point of view - after what time the body is rehabilitated after the surgical operation.
3. What should the patient tell the anesthetist about?About medications (antidepressants, blood thinners, etc.)?Diseases?Is the anesthesiologist responsible for the prevention of thrombosis?
An anesthesiologist is the person who should know absolutely everything about you!
What, when, how much you ate and drank, how you slept and how you feel.
What comorbidities do you have in history?what surgeries you had, what kind of anesthesia you had and how you tolerated it;what medications you take (absolutely all);What are you allergic to, including food?women must specify the day of the cycle, because it is important for the hemostasis system;of course your height and weight.
For the prevention of thrombosis, as well as for antibiotic prophylaxis, the attending physician is responsible.
4. What is more harmful to the body - 2-3 short anesthesia or one long one?Interested in time - what does short and long mean?What time is already undesirable?
There is no correct answer to this question.All drugs that the patient deals with during anesthesia are safe.
A short anesthesia can last up to 5 minutes, and a long one, for example, in neurosurgery, and 15-20 hours.
BUT!Particularly in aesthetic surgery, one should always be judicious in choosing the extent of the intervention, and therefore the duration of anesthesia.
Prolonged horizontal position can lead to the formation of bedsores, positional compression syndrome.
Each patient is special, each has his own history, his own set of concomitant diseases, so each case is considered separately.And "dangerous and undesirable" will be different for everyone.
5. Is it worth it to stop smoking and OR is it not necessary?Does it matter if it's an e-cigarette or a regular one?Many surgeons now say that if a person has been smoking for a long time, then there is no point in quitting, but they warn of possible complications.
Smoking is a personal choice, and we're not the vice police here.
Of course, it is worth telling the anesthesiologist if you smoke, especially if the smoking experience is long.Quitting smoking on the eve of the upcoming operation is a bad idea, because there may be problems with the stagnation of sputum in the bronchi in the postoperative period.
6. Gas anesthesia is now popular all over the world, but which one do you use?And most plastic surgery clinics?
Our clinic has modern equipment in its arsenal, which made it possible to carry out inhalation anesthesia.
We use sevoflurane (sevoran) and desflurane (supran) as inhalation anesthetics.
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