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  • 6 most frequently asked questions about anesthesia

    There are no baseless fears. Someone has had an unpleasant experience of anesthesia in a clinical hospital, and that was enough.Intellectually, you understand that everything is the best in plastic surgery, this is not urgent surgery, but you can’t agree with yourself to enter an artificial sleep. Fear of anesthesia is not in the first place, but there are too many questions. The anesthetist is the person who should know absolutely EVERYTHING about you!This minimizes risks in the hands of a Professional. 1. Waking up during an operation, a myth or Waking up during an operation is rather casuistry, especially at the present time. The first rule of the Harvard Safety Standard is to have the anesthesiologist at the patient's side for the ALL operation. The patient is connected to tracking equipment, so we see a change in the parameters of his state on the monitors.Based on this, it is clear when which component of anesthesia needs to be deepened. Therefore, dear patients, there is no need to be afraid to wake up during the operation! I would like to say a couple of words from myself. Often patients, coming to the operation, from the threshold say: I'm scared!I am afraid! To which I reply that it is completely normal and natural to worry and worry. Everything incomprehensible and unknown always scares us. A conversation with an anesthesiologist is also needed for acquaintance.In order to find out all the information about you, about your mood, to dispel all your fears and fears. Don't be afraid to ask even the dumbest questions you think. And after, having received answers to them, in a good mood, go to become even more beautiful! 2. Is it true that anesthesia has long-term consequences (what?) and should not be done often And what is the minimum interval, without harm to health, between two non-urgent operations with general anesthesia? At the moment, all the drugs that we use during anesthesia are safe and do not cause long-term effects. Hypothetically, surgery under general anesthesia is possible even the next day.However, here the situation should be assessed from a surgical point of view - after what time the body is rehabilitated after the surgical operation. 3. What should the patient tell the anesthetist about?About medications (antidepressants, blood thinners, etc.)?Diseases?Is the anesthesiologist responsible for the prevention of thrombosis? An anesthesiologist is the person who should know absolutely everything about you! What, when, how much you ate and drank, how you slept and how you feel. What comorbidities do you have in history?what surgeries you had, what kind of anesthesia you had and how you tolerated it;what medications you take (absolutely all);What are you allergic to, including food?women must specify the day of the cycle, because it is important for the hemostasis system;of course your height and weight. For the prevention of thrombosis, as well as for antibiotic prophylaxis, the attending physician is responsible. 4. What is more harmful to the body - 2-3 short anesthesia or one long one?Interested in time - what does short and long mean?What time is already undesirable? There is no correct answer to this question.All drugs that the patient deals with during anesthesia are safe. A short anesthesia can last up to 5 minutes, and a long one, for example, in neurosurgery, and 15-20 hours. BUT!Particularly in aesthetic surgery, one should always be judicious in choosing the extent of the intervention, and therefore the duration of anesthesia. Prolonged horizontal position can lead to the formation of bedsores, positional compression syndrome. Each patient is special, each has his own history, his own set of concomitant diseases, so each case is considered separately.And "dangerous and undesirable" will be different for everyone. 5. Is it worth it to stop smoking and OR is it not necessary?Does it matter if it's an e-cigarette or a regular one?Many surgeons now say that if a person has been smoking for a long time, then there is no point in quitting, but they warn of possible complications. Smoking is a personal choice, and we're not the vice police here. Of course, it is worth telling the anesthesiologist if you smoke, especially if the smoking experience is long.Quitting smoking on the eve of the upcoming operation is a bad idea, because there may be problems with the stagnation of sputum in the bronchi in the postoperative period. 6. Gas anesthesia is now popular all over the world, but which one do you use?And most plastic surgery clinics? Our clinic has modern equipment in its arsenal, which made it possible to carry out inhalation anesthesia. We use sevoflurane (sevoran) and desflurane (supran) as inhalation anesthetics. Need help? ​ Doctors-coordinators will advise you and help you with the choice. Services Medikal & Estetik Group are free for you and do not affect the clinic bill. ​ Find a solution ​ Coordinator Medikal & Estetik Group will help find the best solution for cancer treatment ​ FIND A CLINIC ​ O Medikal & Estetik Group


    The eternal topic of breast prosthetics is the choice of a breast implant. At first glance, it may seem that how many people, so many opinions on this issue. In fact, it all comes down to a small amount of initial data and the desire of the patient to have a certain breast size. Today I will only indirectly touch upon manufacturers and the differences between implants from each other. In the future, I will devote a separate article to this. Shape and volume. It must be said right away that these are general criteria characteristic of any breast implant. As you probably know, the shape of a breast implant can be round or teardrop. Moreover, the degree of convexity of the implant can also be different from flat (low profile) to strongly protruding forward (high profile). Breast implant volumes can vary between 150-800 ml, but breast implants with a volume of 200-400 ml are predominantly used. This is due to more or less similar initial characteristics of women. Two interesting facts: – at the beginning of his career in breast augmentation, the surgeon uses implants with a volume of 200-270 ml, and as experience is gained, 300-400 ml. - in the initial experience, the surgeon tries to use teardrop-shaped breast implants more, believing that they will give the best result. With the accumulation of experience, impressions from his work and correction of problems, he uses more round implants or approaches their choice more selectively. Another feature is that the opinion of the patient herself regarding the shape and volume of the implant is always very subjective and often erroneous. It takes the surgeon time and effort to justify the choice, as well as the patient's willingness to accept this information. But when such an understanding is reached, the result satisfies the surgeon and the patient, and errors are excluded. When the opinion of the patient dominates, and the surgeon is forced to compromise, then the likelihood of displeasure is high. Quote from the article: "... a woman often has difficulty in choosing an implant for breast augmentation." A woman should not experience difficulties in this matter. This issue should be dealt with by a plastic surgeon who will explain and convince of the correctness of his recommendation. Choosing the shape of an implant for breast augmentation It is quite simple if we operate with the initial data of the patient's mammary glands. And the main thing is the position of the nipple (more precisely, the areola and nipple) on the mammary gland. If it is in the center of the chest, that is, in the center of the sphere, then the chest itself is round and the implant, accordingly, should be round. If the areola and nipple are closer to the inframammary fold with a small distance to the nipple from below and a large one from above, then, naturally, this is a teardrop-shaped breast and the implant should be teardrop-shaped. The teardrop shape of the implant is also called anatomical, by analogy with the natural shape of the breast. The choice of profile (projection of the implant) - the thickness of the implant in the widest part, is determined by the following simple criteria. If the breast needs to be expanded at the base, then the implant should be wide and flat (low profile). If a woman has her own breasts, but is small, then the profile may be average. If the breast is "absent" or slightly sagging, then the breast implant may be high-profile (as far forward as possible). This is a simplified diagram, but it helps to understand the principle of selecting a breast implant according to the profile. The choice of volume is also not particularly difficult, but it requires taking into account height, weight, chest width, and initial breast size. With average initial parameters, the final breast volume will be the sum of the volume of the own mammary gland and the implant. Conventionally, one can also proceed from the consideration that the increase in size is at least 100 ml of the implant volume. It turns out that the initial zero, and the desired 1st, then the implant is 200 ml. The initial zero, and the desired 2nd, implant is 300 ml. The initial zero, and the desired 3rd, implant is 400 ml. Initial first, and desired 3rd, respectively -300 ml Initial first, and desired 4th, respectively -400 ml Initial second, and desired 3rd - 200 ml Initial second, and desired 4th - 300 ml This conditional scheme is only for a general understanding of the volume of the breast implant. There are other logical methods for fitting breast prostheses. They are based on measuring the width of the circumference of the mammary gland spot and selecting an implant in accordance with this width. In these methods, the volume of the implant is a function of its diameter. That is, if you need a breast prosthesis with a diameter of 13 cm, then simply look at the table, what volume it will have and that's it. Unfortunately, or fortunately, manufacturers offer implants with a step of 25-30 ml, thereby expanding the possibilities of a more accurate selection. But a noticeable difference between the volumes is 70 - 100 ml. Example. A girl with zero breast size and normal height and weight wants to increase her breasts to 2-3 sizes. In the absence of one's breasts and goals 2-3, the volume of the implant can be in the range of 300-400 ml, and the profile is high. A 40-year-old woman with the original 2nd size and sagging breasts wants to return to the previous volume, which was 3-4. Height, weight and width of the chest are average. The implant volume can be in the region of 300 ml, and the profile is high for ptosis correction or medium if ptosis is absent or minimal. The following questions remained outside the scope of the discussion: Implant, which company is preferable? What is the difference between breast implants of different companies? What is the difference between the range of volumes of different manufacturers? What is the difference between smooth and textured breast implants? How are breast implants selected for initial breast asymmetry? Does the volume of prosthetic breasts change with age? I will devote the next article to answering these questions and to a wider coverage of the topic of breast implants.


    Меню страницы: 1. ЧТО ТАКОЕ ПОДТЯЖКА БРОВЕЙ? 2. КТО ОБРАЩАЕТСЯ ЗА ПОДТЯЖКОЙ? 3. КАКАЯ АНЕСТЕЗИЯ ИСПОЛЬЗУЕТСЯ? 4. ОБЩИЕ СВЕДЕНИЯ Брови являются элементом, оказывающим колоссальное влияние на выражение лица. Проходит время и с возрастом активная мимика в области лба приводит к опущению бровей и возникновению проблем с веками. Выраженные линии между двумя бровями приводят к тому, что вы постоянно смотрите на мир с насупленным и угрюмым выражением лица. В тоже время опущение бровей, что создает усталое и вялое выражение лица, является одной из эстетических проблем, с которой сегодня обращается каждый человек среднего возраста. Брови, лоб и область глаз являются нераздельными и в силу своей близости страдают одновременно. Поэтому операцию по подтяжке бровей в большинстве случаев предпочтительно проводить в комбинации с пластикой лба и век. 1. ЧТО ТАКОЕ ПОДТЯЖКА БРОВЕЙ? Подтяжка бровей, известная как подтяжка лба, является процедурой пластической хирургии, созданной для тонизирования зоны над бровями или одной трети лица. Подтяжка бровей позволит поднять брови для улучшения формы и/или нагрузки бровей или устранения провисания бровей. 2. КТО ОБРАЩАЕТСЯ ЗА ПОДТЯЖКОЙ? Для выполнения такой подтяжки могут обращаться здоровые женщины и мужчины с ровными бровями и/или бровями, которые создают нежелательную нагрузку на глаза. Как правило, пациенты, занятые процедурой подтяжки бровей, в основном страдают от усталого, угрюмого или вялого вида из-за нежелательной нагрузки на верхнее веко. Многие пациенты, стремящиеся пройти подтяжку век, требуют информацию о пластике век, известной как блефаропластика, в силу эстетических проблем во всей обрасти век. Выполнение пациентам подтяжки бровей в комбинации с пластикой верхнего века становится максимально правильным решением в силу перечисленных факторов. У некоторых пациентов есть тяжелые брови, которые способствуют нарушенному периферийному зрению, и избыточная кожа на веке. ​ 3. КАКАЯ АНЕСТЕЗИЯ ИСПОЛЬЗУЕТСЯ? Пациенты могут предпочесть общую анестезию или глубокую седацию. Локальная анестезия применяется в случае подтверждения вашего врача. 4. ОБЩИЕ СВЕДЕНИЯ 1. Обзор операции: Продолжительность операции: 1-2 часа (длится дольше, если выполняется вместе с подтяжкой лица) Условия анестезии: общая анестезия, местная анестезия под седацией только для вмешательств, связанных с бровями. Пребывание в больнице: 0-1 день Возможный дискомфорт: временный отек и синяк, болезненность кожи, онемение, временное чувство напряжения. Сухость на коже. Возможные риски: повреждение лицевых нервов, асимметрия на лбу. 2. Период восстановления: Возвращение к работе: 7-10 дней (3-5 дней только подтяжка бровей) Тяжелые упражнения: 2-я неделя Восстановление цвета кожи: 1-2 недели Защита от солнца: 4-6 месяцев Стоимость подтяжки бровей в Турции: от $1100

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    PLASTIC SURGERY IN TURKEY Price for plastic procedures breast augmentation Breast reduction Breast lift Gynecomastia BBL (butt lift) Liposuction Liposculpture / Lipomodeling Vaser liposuction J Plasma Rhinoplasty Simple rhinoplasty Arm lift Blepharoplasty Eyebrow lift + forehead Face lift Need help? ​ Doctors-coordinators will advise you and help you with the choice. Services Medikal & Estetik Group are free for you and do not affect the clinic bill. ​ Find a solution ​ Coordinator Medikal & Estetik Group will help find the best solution for cancer treatment ​ FIND A CLINIC ​ O Medikal & Estetik Group RHINOPLASTY 1. How many times do I need to come for an examination before nose aesthetics? Before rhinoplasty, you must undergo at least 2 examinations. The first is called a preliminary interview, it is possible to pass it online, the second or third is a final one, it is carried out in person at an in-person appointment with a doctor. The preliminary interview examines the formal or functional problems of your nose and provides general information about the process of the operation. The last interview takes place about a week before the operation, or for visiting patients, the appointment is carried out one day before the scheduled operation. The final interview examines the design patterns (3D modeling) of your nose, and explains in detail the preparation that must be done before and after the operation. 2. How many hours does the operation take, what technique is used and how is the process in Turkish clinics? Depending on the additional procedures or the condition of the nose, this takes on average 2-3 hours. The choice of technique depends on the structure of your nose and existing problems. After the operation, you need to stay in the hospital for 1 night. ​ 3. Is the postoperative process very painful and in how many days can I return to my daily life? Rhinoplasty is a completely painless process in 99% of patients. It is only on the first night after surgery that some patients develop a headache that can be relieved with pain relievers. The patch and tampon are removed 1 week after the operation, and the nose is sealed with protective tape again. The second bandage is removed after 5 days. Usually, most patients can return to their daily routine a week after surgery. ​ 4. Is there a lot of swelling and bruising after the operation? Are you using a piezo or other system? Although almost everyone has swelling in the first 3 days after surgery, it gradually diminishes after the 3rd day and your face returns to normal in 1 week on average. Although bruising is not common in all patients, your skin structure and skin response to injury are very important for bruising. In the same way, bruises completely disappear within 7-10 days. The surgery uses the Piezzo ultrasound system and the Bienair motor system. Hammer and rasp processes have not been used for more than 5 years. ​ 5. Will I have breathing problems after surgery? Although you may have nasal congestion due to crusts and stitches in your nose for 6 months postoperatively, this situation is not permanent. Your preoperative allergic situation will not go away after this surgery. This surgery is not a solution to the problem of nasal congestion during periods of allergy. ​ 6. I live outside of Turkey, what will my surgery be like? Patients arriving from outside Turkey must stay in Turkey for 7-8 days in the postoperative period. The last preoperative examination of these patients is carried out 1-2 days before the operation. ​ 7. How is our control process going and how many times do we need to come for control? On average, we have 3 controls for each patient. Check 1-3 first. Between 6 months the second control is between 6-9 months, the third control is between 12-15 months. This is done between months. 6-9 patients arrive from outside Turkey. Checks are very important. ​ 8. Will my nose be crooked again and will it sag after surgery? Curvatures of the nose are usually divided into 3 types: curvatures in the cartilage structure, curvatures in the bone structure, and cases where curvatures occur in both structures. It should be noted that in the case of a curvature of the nose in the cartilage structure, these curvatures will not improve by 100%, and a curvature of 10-20% may reappear. In the postoperative period, there is some descent (loss of rotation) of each tip of the nose. Therefore, the tip of the nose on the operating table should be raised 5-6 degrees more than the patient needs. However, in some cases (eg, weak cartilage, very thick skin), the tip of the nose may sink more than intended. Patients who may face such a situation are provided with detailed information before the operation. ​ 9. Can rhinoplasty solve my breathing problems? Before surgery, your breathing problems due to a curved middle cartilage (septum) of the nose or due to curvature of the bones can be corrected at the same time as rhinoplasty. However, this surgery is not a solution to your breathing problems caused by allergic rhinitis or the turbinates (nasal passages) that existed before the surgery. ​ 10. When and how can I schedule an examination or operation? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ You will find rhinoplasty works, as well as the best surgeons on our Instagram: рино грудь BREAST ENLARGEMENT 1. What is the difference between breast augmentation and breast lift aesthetics? How do I know which one I need? Breasts sag over time due to many reasons such as age, breastfeeding, pregnancy and genetic factors. When you come for an examination, many are assessed first. parameters such as distance from nipples to collarbones, breast circumference, shoulder width, height and weight, and it is determined which operation you need. 2. How is the operation going? According to the measurements and drawings made before the operation, the operation is planned in 4 directions: 1.the place of the incision; Deciding where the breast implant will be placed, the implant can be placed with a 1.5 cm incision under the breast, an incision from the nipple or an incision under the armpit. The site of the incision takes into account the patient's age, breastfeeding status, keloid predisposition (bad scar) and social life. 2 .. Plan where the implant will be installed; The implant can be installed in approximately 2 planes: axillary or axillary. The axillary plane is now classified as a 1-2-3 double plane. In cases where the patient's chest thickness is moderate to good, an supramuscular plan may be preferred. However, in cases where there is not enough breast tissue, the axillary (double) plan is preferred. In our daily practice, we generally prefer the axillary (dual) plan because it looks more natural and conceals the implant lines better. 3. The shape of the implant; There are 2 main forms of the implant: anatomical (drop) or round. The patient's breast structure, weight, shoulder width, desired breast shape will help us in choosing an implant. During these elections, the doctor asks his patients the following questions: 1) If you no longer want to use a supported bra and want full breasts even without a bra, choose the round implant. 2) If naturalness is paramount for you, if you dream of a slightly lowered breast shape in the nude, choose a drop implant. ​ 4. The size of the implant; The range of implant sizes can be communicated to the patient by calculating many parameters, including chest measurements, shoulder width, waist width, height-weight on a preoperative drawing. For example, a minimum of 250 and a maximum of 350 cubic implants can be installed. After that, examples of results from patients who have previously undergone surgery are shown, and together the size that is closer to the patient's request is determined. ​ 3. Does it hurt badly after surgery, when is it possible to return to daily life? After the operation, you stay in the hospital for 1 night. At the end of the operation, you will be given a new bra and you should not remove your bra for 1 week. Therefore, you cannot take a shower for 1 week. In some patients, drainage is placed. The drain is removed after 24 hours. ​ In 24 hours after the operation, the pain is almost gone, but a serious rest is required for a week. Because during this week, even during light exercise such as standing up and walking, there may be a feeling of pain and tension in the chest. In surgical procedures where an axillary plan is preferred, this pain may be slightly worse. After a week, you can return to all your daily activities except lifting weights. ​ 4. What can be done to reduce pain after surgery? In some eligible patients, intercostal block can be performed under ultrasound after surgery. Thanks to this block, patients can live this week much more comfortably. If the patient rests for 1 week after the operation, the possibility of feeling pain will be low. ​ 5. Will this surgery prevent me from breastfeeding in the future? Will the nipples be numb? Breast augmentation surgery will not prevent you from breastfeeding, this surgery has nothing to do with milk ducts or glands. If the place where the implant will be placed is chosen as the nipple, you may lose 10-20% of the nipple sensitivity, which is very unlikely. Therefore, in everyday practice, surgeons prefer the incision of the lower breast fold to all patients under the age of 40. ​ 6. When after the operation you can play sports, swim and sunbathe? After the first week after surgery, you can start doing light sports, including walking, yoga, and some Pilates exercises. After the first month, you can practice all kinds of sports, swimming and diving. Again, after 1 week, you can sunbathe in a protective bra. ​ 7. Do I need to replace my breast implant in the future? What is capsule formation? Most new generation implants are durable and may need to be replaced for two reasons: firstly, if you want to enlarge or shrink the implant, and secondly, when a capsule forms around the implant. The formation of a capsule is a shell that surrounds the implant and deforms the shape of the implant, which can occur in 1-2 patients per hundred thousand on average 5-10 years after surgery. Numerous scientific studies of the causes of capsule formation have been carried out, some of which can be attributed to the choice of an implant with a rough surface, accumulation of blood in the postoperative field (hematoma), and infection. In this case, remove the implant, clean the capsule and insert a new implant. Capsule formation is a very rare condition and the probability becomes almost zero if every precaution is taken to prevent capsule formation. ​ 8. Is it true that these implants cause breast cancer? Not true. Although lymphoma was observed around the shell of some implants, it was found to be related to the structure of the implant and these implants were discontinued. ​ 9. What brand of implant is used in Turkey? I currently use Mentor and Motiva implants. After explaining the advantages and disadvantages of both of my patients, we make a joint decision with my patient. Both brands offer a lifetime warranty. ​ 10 When can I make an appointment for an operation and examination in the near future? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ Breast augmentation jobs, as well as the best surgeons, you will find on our Instagram: BREAST REDUCTION 1. What is breast reduction? Breast reduction is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing large breasts that pose problems both in terms of health and aesthetics. Disproportionately large and heavy breasts can cause a range of problems, ranging from back pain, poor posture, fatigue, diaper rash under the breast, to skeletal deformities. In addition, large breasts give an unaesthetic appearance, make it difficult to choose clothes and, at the same time, lead to a loss of self-confidence, which forces women to resort to breast reduction operations. Breast reduction surgery can be described as a practice that allows women who complain of large volume to feel comfortable in every sense. ​ 2. What is done during the operation? During breast reduction surgery, excess fat and glandular tissue, excess skin, and, if necessary, the enlarged nipple is reduced over time. 3. Breast lift and reduction In some cases, during preliminary studies of patients in our clinic, the form of the disease has changed, which has been changed. For this reason, it is possible to establish which type of operation will be most suitable for the patient only during the examination. Over-sized breasts lose their resistance to gravity over time. Breast reduction surgery improves the patient's quality of life from discomfort. ​ 4. Who can get breast reduction surgery? • Those with disproportionately large breasts • Those with other large volumes have sagging • Those who cannot pick up clothes due to large breasts • Those who experience diaper rash, back pain and poor posture • Those who have large breasts interferes with physical activity • Those who have creases in the back under the bra due to heavy breasts • Those who experience self-confidence due to an unaesthetic appearance • Those who have orthopedic problems such as hand numbness, loss of sensation, poor posture ​ All these problems to the profile of candidates, suitable for breast reduction surgery. Enlarges the breast for one or more of the above reasons, which successfully and effectively solves not only aesthetic problems, but also health problems. ​ 5. How much can breasts be reduced? Planning of the reduction surgery is performed by the procedure of functional patients, and the amount of tissue to be removed, the last amount must be calculated. 6. How is breast reduction surgery performed? The reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia. During surgery, excess tissue and excess skin is removed from the breast. At the same time, the areola decreases to the corresponding size, increasing over time. Lift is used to solve the biggest problem of large breasts - sagging and then stitches are applied. During breast reduction surgery, the reduction is performed based on the size of the breast. The shape of the stitches can vary depending on the method used, but inverted T stitches are commonly used, which fade over time and do not affect patients with aesthetic problems. ​ 7. How long does the operation take? The reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately 1 hour. уменьшение груди 8. How many scars will remain after breast reduction surgery? Increase the size of the image. The incision scar in the form of an inverted T, executed vertically under the nipple and extending longitudinally under the mammary gland, fades over time and becomes almost invisible, since the main part of it is located under the breast. Differences in size. Whichever method is used, the scar-scar theme is the one that deserves the most attention. 9. Prerequisites for performing breast reduction surgery Breast reduction surgery planning as an aesthetic look. Breast reduction should be tailored to the size of the breast, the likelihood of future motherhood and breastfeeding. The operation, which lasts approximately 1 hour, is performed with the smallest incisions, is aimed at achieving the sizes agreed before with the patient and ensuring a comfortable recovery process. A quick recovery and a problem-free postoperative period, among other things, have a positive effect on the patient's psyche. Despite the likelihood of re-growth of breast tissue as a result of weight gain. Moreover, after breast reduction surgery is not an obstacle to breastfeeding. The operation is directed ​​ to remove excess fatty tissue, not the mammary glands. During breast reduction surgery. The preservation of the former sensitivity is associated with these diseases removed from this area. Nipple sensitivity is essential for breastfeeding and channel stimulation. In addition, it is imperative to create symmetry between the mammary glands and nipples. moving the nipple to the desired area is performed with the obligatory consideration of sensitivity. 10. After aesthetic breast reduction surgery Temporal sizes, symmetry and degree of sagging breasts in women are different, the methods used will also differ. However, in Turkish clinics, first of all, we provide the most comfortable period due to the minimum number of scars. Individual breast surgery is one of the most successful practices in our partners' clinics. On average, within a few weeks, the scar marks begin to wear off. Immediately after the operation, patients feel relief; reducing the reduction of pain in the lower back and back, and even their complete disappearance, as well as solving other health problems. Patients receive aesthetic, beautifully shaped breasts. ​ 11. Can the breasts grow back? The regrowth of breast tissue can be associated with a set of previous sizes. Women emphasize the fact that after the reduction surgery, they became happier, both in personal and social life. ​ 12. Will I be able to breastfeed after surgery? You will be able to breastfeed after breast reduction surgery, however this is due to the removed mammary glands. If you are planning a pregnancy, please discuss it in advance. ​ 13 . When can I make an appointment for an operation and examination in the near future? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ Breast reduction jobs, as well as the best surgeons, can be found on our Instagram: Липоскульптура LIPOSCULTURE ​ Liposculpture, i.e. painless liposuction is an operation to correct the body contour, which is constantly used with the help of liposuction, which technically differs from it in the methods used. Liposculpture, which most people take for a method of losing weight, only provides correction of problem areas. Liposuction means suction of fat, and liposculpture, by its definition, is about correcting the contour of the fatty tissue and creating an aesthetic shape. The first stage of liposculpture is the removal of vacuum in the back, waist, abdomen, on the back of the upper leg, on the thighs, above the knees, under the jaw and in other body parameters, and ends with the correction of the body shape. Liposculpture can be performed during breast augmentation and reduction surgery, tummy tuck or similar plastic surgeries. Liposculpture is not a treatment for obesity. If you want to take advantage of genetic procedures, then you should take advantage of these procedures. ​ 1. Am I suitable for liposculpture? As with all other plastic surgeries, the decision to undergo liposurgery is not made for the satisfaction of others, but for oneself. If you have fat deposits in some of your body's indicators. 2. Prices for liposculpture Liposculpture prices fluctuate a lot. But at the same time, there are more important aspects than the prices for liposculpture, namely the experience of the surgeon and the equipment of the clinic where the operation will be performed. Therefore, when choosing a clinic or a surgeon for liposculpture. 3. How is the examination for liposculpture performed? When contacting the clinics, the doctor first conducts an examination, then the medical photographer takes photographs before the operation. During the examination, you can share your medications, drug allergies and all other information. In the light of the information received, the doctor will make a complete assessment of your operation. After the examination, they share with you full information about what you need to do before the operation. During the first examination, you need to explain your wishes to the doctor in detail. In addition, you would like to share information with your doctor about the ideal weight you would like to achieve and about your plans for the future, for example, the desire to have children. Preoperative conversation with the patient for liposculpture. That is why, in this situation, the exchange of a patient with a doctor is extremely useful. In addition, the doctor will give you answers to your questions regarding liposculpture and the method used. For medical records, your images are taken and the size of the area where the liposculpture will be performed is taken. Check with your doctor about the risks or complications of surgery. 4. How is liposculpture performed? General anesthesia is performed before the operation. At the end of liposculpture, the patient, with the permission of the doctor, can go home and take a bath in a day. Liposculpture used in our clinics is carried out according to a reliable approved medical method that is used in renowned world centers. The benefits of liposculpture eliminate many of the negative side effects. High vibration removes large amounts of fat in one session and minimizes postoperative pain. ​ Liposculpture is a stable deposit using a balloon and a vacuum device and body reshaping. When using the Tumescent method, local anesthesia is applied to the area of fatty deposits on which liposculpture is used, followed by a saline water solution. This method can reduce blue discoloration and swelling after liposculpture. 5. Process after liposculpture Swelling after liposculpture completely disappears in a few weeks. Every day ​​ your body harmoniously merges with the new contour and gradually takes shape. Permanent form of life. The most important thing is to exclude weight fluctuations, engage in vigorous exercise and lifestyle. After you are discharged home, we recommend that you leave the hospital after receiving information on the necessary procedures. 6. Return to normal life after liposculpture Liposculpture gave extremely positive reviews. The wound healing time lasts from 5 to 10 days. After 1 week after surgery, the swelling begins to subside. You can return to your normal life by using cosmetics. In addition to this, a healthy lifestyle contributes to the preservation of the results of the procedures. 7. What is the difference between liposculpture and liposuction? Liposculpture is different from the liposuction technique. Liposculpture, i.e. painless liposuction is an operation to correct the body contour, which is constantly used with the help of liposuction, which technically differs from it in the methods used. Liposculpture uses microcannulas. The plastic surgeon first has small centimeter incisions in places near the problem area where liposculpture will be performed, then thin cannulas are inserted into the incisions made. These cannulas are much thinner than the cannulas used in liposuction, and as a result, the surgeon gains more control over the fat cells. In our partner clinics, NIL (Nutritional Infrasound Liposculpture), approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is performed as an equipment for correcting surgeries and body fat. NIL (Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture) is known as Tickle Lipo. With this technique, fat is removed simultaneously. As a result of this method, the healing process is formed and is shortened. ​ 8. Why is liposculpture called painless liposuction? When performing all these actions, such disadvantages as damage to blood vessels and nerves or muscle rupture, which is observed with liposuction, are excluded. The high vibration and function ensures optimal shock while keeping the skin smooth and bruising. Thanks to the structure of the cannulas, it is possible to accurately remove adipose tissue from hard-to-reach areas. For this reason, liposculpture is painless. ​ 9. Advantages of liposculpture: • Active safety system that instantly stops the process in the absence of • adipose tissue in the treated area • Less traumatic bruising and swelling • Excellent response and smooth skin • A more gentle system for the patient and less tiring for the surgeon • Short duration of the procedure • Even less pain • Faster recovery ​ 10. When can I make an appointment for an operation and examination in the near future? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ You will find liposculpture works and the best surgeons on our Instagram подтяжка груди Breast lift ​ Breast lift surgery (mastopexy) is a plastic surgery that aims to restore the correct proportions and shape of the breasts. Partial pull from the chest. In addition, sagging breasts can be delayed at a young age. Sagging breasts make it impossible to wear the desired outfits and in most cases leads to a loss of self-confidence in women. Violation of the shape of the breast, which is an integral aesthetic decollete, manifests itself not only in sagging breasts, but also in the expansion of the areola, which we call the nipple, under the influence of hormonal decollete. A sagging breast also damages the skin structure under the breast and friction causes skin problems. Breast lift surgeries are generally recommended after the end of the breast period in order to avoid re-breaking the shape of the breast. ​ In addition, in most cases, a breast lift is performed using a breast kit. In fact, it has shrunk in size, and the skin covering it has not been able to adapt to the change in size. With the help of a breast lift operation, the excess skin thus formed can be removed. Breast lift alone will not add volume to the breast. Those. In such a situation, the operation is insufficient; another plastic operation is used to improve the appearance. To increase the size, use lipofilling or silicone implant, i.e. breast augmentation surgery. 1. Who can undergo a breast lift? • Suffering breast problems after lactation • Those suffering from delayed breast development • Suffering from sagging breasts due to frequent weight and weight loss • Sagging breasts under this set of age and gravity • Suffering from a widening of the halo, i.e. breast nipple • Lost self-confidence due to sagging breasts • Desired outfits that have lost the ability due to sagging breasts Diagonal disease is reported. Modern and innovative methods used in clinics in Turkey provide candidates for breast lift surgery with a comfortable healing process and the acquisition of the desired breast shape. ​ 2. Why are there problems with the nipple? Can you correct it? Loss of breast shape is not only a cause of sagging. At the end of this process, many women experience an enlargement of the area around the nipple of the breast, i.e. in a halo. Lift surgery corrects the shape of the breast and reduces the halo. ​ 3. Will my breasts shrink after the operation? A breast lift does not change the size of the breast, it corrects the shape, eliminates sagging and tightens the breast. ​ 4. Is it possible to use implants within one operation? Yes. If you want to increase the size of the operation, the enlargement operation is performed. ​ 5. Is it possible to reduce the breast during the operation? Yes. If you want to reduce your breast size, breast reduction surgery is performed. ​ 6. How is breast lift surgery performed? Breast lift surgery is in most cases synchronous with breast augmentation or reduction operations. During the preliminary examination, the issue of inserting the implant, the introduction of fat, i.e. lipofilling or simply performing a breast lift surgery depending on what the patient expects from the surgery. The condition of the breast tissue and excess skin is analyzed and an operation plan is drawn up. Breast lift surgery performed under general anesthesia begins with a reduction in the halo, if present. During the operation, an incision is made according to the method of a vertical central incision without a scar. The leather and the underlying tissue are then processed separately. Considering the future potential of breastfeeding, the breast tissue is leveled, tightened and the breast shaped. ​ In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that there are no changes in the size of the breast during the breast lift operation. The operation only allows the breast to return to its shape and tighten it, the breast is lifted and the operation is completed. Lift surgery involves resizing surgery. For this purpose, the breast is enlarged with breast or lipofilling. ​ 7. How long does the operation take? After the lifting operation, which lasts on average about 1-3 hours, the patient is not hospitalized, but if necessary, he can be left in the hospital for one night. ​ 8. How many marks are left during the lifting operation? In the structure of Turkish clinics, methods are preferred that ensure the formation of the most natural and minimal scar in our patients during breast lift operations. As mentioned earlier, a vertical, scarless central incision is used in Turkey. This technique is innovative, which ensures that the surgery is completed with the most optimal postoperative trace. Thanks to this technique, tissue and skin are treated and treated separately and without potential stress on the skin. Thanks to this method, in which, in addition to the aesthetic appearance, attention is paid to the elements of health during the breast lift, it also provides such advantages as nourishing the entire structure through blood circulation, eliminating problems with the sensitivity of the nipple of the breast. In addition, the vertical central central patient method is able to return home. ​ Integral elements of a breast lift operation During a breast lift operation, the degree of sagging of the breast, its plan, skin elasticity, its quality and existing excess skin are analyzed without fail, on the basis of which the operation is compiled. The incision on the chest is modeled in accordance with the analysis of the indicated indicators, the shape of the tissue is corrected and the chest is tightened. Excess skin is removed and sutures are applied. Sutures are applied according to the newly created shape. All incisions are closed with minimal suture or dermatological glue. Process after breast lift surgery Used innovative technique used in breast lift surgery. As a rule, our patients, who went home on the same day, underwent surgery, without hospitalization, for no more than 1 week. ​ 9. When can I make an appointment for an operation and examination in the near future? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ Breast lift jobs as well as top surgeons you will find on our Instagram: VASER LIPOSUCTION 1. What is liposuction? Liposuction is the process of removing subcutaneous fat from the abdomen, thighs, jaw, back, waist, inner legs, and back using a variety of devices. ​ 2.How many kilograms of fat can be removed at one time? With liposuction, it is safe to take a maximum of 8000 cc at a time. See fat. If this number is exceeded, life-threatening complications can occur. It should be emphasized that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery, but a body shaping surgery. Therefore, it is not suitable for every patient. ​ 3. What kind of patient is liposuction suitable for? Liposuction is ideal for patients who are not overweight or obese, have excess fat in certain areas (such as the waist circumference) and do not have excess and loose skin. With the help of liposuction, they try to bring the body into a certain shape; this method is not used for weight loss. ​ 4. Will there be loose skin in the areas of fat removal after liposuction? This is a very important and frequently asked question. Therefore, patient selection is very important. If this method is applied to overweight and obese patients, of course, sagging skin will occur. The second important point is that some devices are used in surgery to prevent sagging that can occur on the skin. Vaser and J-Plasma are the two devices we most often use to prevent sagging skin. 5. What exactly do Vaser and J-Plasma do? This is how we explain it to our patients. When you wear an XL dress, imagine that you have lost a lot of weight and have dropped to size S, and visualize how the dress will look on you when you try to wear the same dress again. The dress will seem too loose and even wrinkled to you. This is exactly what happens with liposuction: the fat is drained, but your skin is the same width. Now take this XL dress and wash it in very hot water, you will see the dress shrink. Here is a vaser and plasma; By interacting with the layers of collagen and dermis in the skin, they cause the skin to shrink and tighten. Unfortunately, liposuction surgery in which at least one of these two devices is no longer used can be frustrating. ​ 6. Is it possible to stretch the abdominal muscles (six / four) with liposuction? Yes, we can paint the abdomen of suitable patients in the style we want, we can make some of the muscle structures more prominent. 7. What should I pay attention to after the operation and in how many days will I be able to return to my daily life? The operation must be performed under general anesthesia and in a full-fledged hospital; after the operation, you usually need to stay in the hospital for 1 night. Drainages in patients who have drainage are removed within 2-3 days. At the end of the operation, a corset is made to the patient. And we recommend using this corset for 1.5 months. After 5 days, you can take a shower. Starting from 5 days, our nutritionist prepares a special dietary recipe for them. We recommend rest for the first 5-7 days. After a week, you can start light exercises. After 2-3 weeks, you can do all kinds of sports. ​ 8. How soon can I make an appointment? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ Works on Vaser liposuction, as well as the best surgeons, you will find on our Instagram vaser Gynecomastia Gynecomastia is an uncontrolled increase in breast tissue in men, and surgery to eliminate it is called gynecomastic surgery. This type of adipose tissue deposition, inherent in women and unusual for the anatomy of men, leads to problems in intimate relationships and a loss of self-confidence in the social environment. As a result of this problem, which occurs in both overweight and thin men, patients who come to our clinic complain that they cannot swim in the sea, are embarrassed to undress and cannot even dress as they would like. ​ Enlarged breasts in a man can put him in an extremely stressful and humiliating position. The number of males who avoid intimate relationships in order to hide the problem of gynecomastia, and become the subject of ridicule during adolescence, as a result of which they receive psychological trauma, is enormous. Nowadays, it is possible to solve the problem of gynecomastia in every fifth man with the help of a simple procedure. At the same time, if you think about the fact that your age and hormones "change" you, then you should not be upset. If you think you are upset and depressed due to gynecomastia, in addition to the gynecomastia surgery, we strongly recommend that you do not delay with the treatment plan. ​ 1. What is the reason for the enlargement of the mammary gland in men? The problem of gynecomastia ranks among the aesthetic problems of our time. Most of this growth in breast tissue is rooted in unhealthy diets, uncontrolled use of supplements in the food industry, and associated hormonal changes. In addition to this, in addition to this immobile lifestyle, the growth of the mammary gland is also promoted. The second factor that causes the growth of the mammary gland in men is drugs that the patient is forced to take due to health problems. Other causes of gynecomastia include alcohol and drug use, hypogonadism, aging, tumors, hyperthyroidism, renal and hepatic failure, malnutrition that disrupts hormonal balance. The risk of gynecomastia is increased, especially in adolescence or over the age of 60, when using dietary supplements to enhance athletic performance that contain steroids or androgens, and in certain chronic conditions. ​ 2. Is it possible to prevent breast enlargement in men? If breast tissue grows, exercise and diet will not be beneficial. The deposition of fat in this area in most cases has the character of a persistent and difficult to remove formation. However, exercise and a healthy diet should be considered to protect against gynecomastia and ensure hormonal balance. To protect against this problem, which has a huge impact on men psychologically and emotionally, you can turn to surgical treatment of gynecomastia. Gynecomastic surgery without incision is an extremely comfortable procedure for enlarged mammary glands. ​ 3. How is gynecomastic surgery performed? Before gynecomastic surgery, the doctor conducts a physical examination, analyzes the current state of the breast tissue. The size of the developed breast tissue and the tissue itself are carefully examined. Check for any nipple discharge or other symptoms. Then the presence of a real problem of gynecomastia and false gynecomastia is revealed, a dividing line is drawn between them. Sometimes tests may be needed to evaluate the tissue. The size and presence or absence of the nodular structure of fatty relations are specified. In addition, the presence of one of the diseases is analyzed: chronic liver disease, thyroid disease, or kidney disease. ​ In the structure of Turkish clinics, operations are performed to treat gynecomastia without an incision, with minimal swelling and blue discoloration. After examining the causes of breast growth, which is done first, other conditions that can cause similar symptoms and genicomastia are considered. For example, some men and boys have masses in the mammary gland that resemble but do not resemble gynecomastia. This growth of the mammary gland, which develops in connection with development in adolescence, stops within 1-3 years. Breast cancer in men is rare, but at the same time, the likelihood of its occurrence exists and it usually appears in one breast. In addition, during the examination, the presence of an infection in the breast tissue, the so-called inflammation of the breast (mastitis), is checked. Patients who do not have these problems are candidates for surgery to treat gynecomastia. If the decision is made to perform an operation to treat gynecomastia without an incision, an extremely practical and comfortable procedure is performed. In parallel with the development of technology, instead of removing adipose tissue in the mammary gland, as was done previously, this procedure is performed in extremely comfortable conditions through micro-holes. Earlier, after the operation, the patient's return to social life took quite a long time, and the formation in the breast tissue caused damage to the vessels and cells. Gynecological surgery without incision is performed under local anesthesia and allows you to extract the adipose tissue through pinholes. The operation is practical and does not violate the internal characteristics and structure of the mammary gland. ​ 4. What is non-incision gynecomastia surgery? This method, which allows you to solve the problem with the fatty tissue in the mammary gland and remove it through the micro-holes, does not affect the nerves and blood vessels. Due to this, complications such as blue discoloration and swelling, which are observed in classical gynecomastic operations, do not occur, and the patient returns to social life. This method, which can significantly shorten the length of the recovery period and make it extremely comfortable, has fallen into preference for many men. ​ Advantages of Gynecomastic Surgery without Incision: ​ • Execution under local or general anesthesia • Short duration of the procedure • Performing the procedure using micro-holes without incision • Instant return to social life after surgery • No damage to nerves and blood vessels • Minimal level of swelling, blue discoloration and pain • Maximum patient comfort Some of our recommendations for protecting against the risk of gynecomastia and reducing the risk of developing it are: • Try to eat a healthy diet • Avoid excessive drinking • Do not use drugs • Use supplements (such as steroids and androgens) used for bodybuilding only under the supervision of a sports nutritionist. Check the drugs you are using. If you are taking a medication that causes gynecomastia, be sure to talk to your doctor about this. ​ 5. Am I eligible for surgery? Before deciding on gynecomastic surgery, you should ask yourself the question: Do the size of breast tissue cause me physical and psychological discomfort? If the answer to this question is yes, you can ask for a solution to the problem. ​ 6. At what age is this operation performed? We generally recommend that you wait until your 18th birthday. Hormonal surges that occur in adolescence, over the course of several years, correct themselves, which actually happens with an increase in the mammary gland. ​ 7. How to choose a doctor? The most important aspect in choosing such a doctor is his experience in performing such an individual procedure. In addition, communication with the office staff and your doctor is essential. Receiving comprehensive and convincing answers to all questions will help you achieve harmony in communication with the surgeon and office staff before the operation and is extremely important for the successful result of such an operation. ​ 8. What results can be expected after the operation? In light of the upcoming results, you should discuss this issue before surgery and set absolutely realistic expectations for yourself. Our experienced surgeons will help you in this matter and inform you about the result of the procedure. ​ 9. When can I return to social life? In our clinics, gynecomastic surgeries are performed without an incision. Therefore, you will be able to return to social life 1 day after surgery. ​ 10. Do any traces remain after the operation? The operation is performed without an incision in the chest area, and the removal of adipose tissue is performed through thin microcannulas, after which pinpoint marks may remain. ​ 11. What type of anesthesia is used during the operation? The decision on the type of anesthesia is made according to the patient's medical condition and tolerance. The operation can be performed under local or general anesthesia. ​ 12. Do I need to prepare before surgery? You will be given detailed instructions before the operation. In addition, you are informed about medications and herbal supplements that should not be consumed. Instead of clothing that is tight or tight in the chest area, it is preferable to wear loose clothing with a front closure with buttons. ​ 13. When can I make an appointment for an operation and examination in the near future? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ You will find works on gynecomastia, as well as the best surgeons on our Instagram Гинекомастия J plasma J PLASMA Renuvion is a non-surgical skin tightening procedure. Also known as J Plasma or J Plasty, this procedure lifts and refreshes loose skin without the need for invasive surgery, prolonged downtime, or large surgical scars. This precise repair is unique because plastic surgeons can apply controlled heat to specific areas to tighten the skin. 1. How is RENUVION going? For the Renuvion procedure, the specialist creates a small entry point by placing the device directly under the skin. Once the device is installed, the technician releases helium gas and radio frequency (RF) to create a precise flow of energy (plasma). This energy generates enough heat to compress the skin, while excess helium gas cools the treated area. This combination of energy compresses the tissues just under the skin, which tightens it. ​ 2. When is RENUVION J-PLASMA used? Renuvion can be used to tighten skin almost anywhere on the body. Common areas include: Arm lift Tightening the skin of the abdomen and sides Breast lift Buttock lift Thigh lift Lift of the lower face and neck Tightening the skin of the legs, especially the area above the knees ​ 3. Who is this procedure suitable for? Renuvion is a treatment option for patients who want skin tightening results but do not want to undergo invasive plastic surgery. No other minimally invasive technology will tighten the skin to the same degree as J-PLASMA, which also has the following advantages: tiny cut, little or no scarring, and minimum recovery time. ​ 4. How soon can I make an appointment? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ You will find works on J-PLASMA, as well as the best surgeons on our Instagram ​ ARM LIFT / BRACHIOPLASTY (ArmLift) Upper arm lift surgery is a plastic surgery performed on the sagging and flabby skin of the upper arm, which occurs in parallel with aging and weight loss. You can strengthen the muscles of the upper arm without surgery, through exercise, but this will not help you regain elasticity and get rid of excess fat and even excess skin. In addition, the upper arm lift, the so-called Arm fit, is known in the medical literature as brachioplasty. To create a more proportional look by reducing body fat during upper arm lift surgery, the shape of the excess skin in the area between the elbow and armpits is corrected. When performing more extensive operations, a longitudinal incision mark remains on the dorsum of the upper arm. Lift surgery rejuvenates the upper arm and looks toned, and the patient's self-confidence is increased, which allows him to freely wear short-sleeved clothing. ​ 1. Am I eligible for an upper arm lift? If you have sagging skin in the upper arm due to a lot of weight loss, if the skin in the upper arm has become loose, if there is more fat in the upper arm than in the lower arm, if the shape of the skin is not restored despite exercise, then you can refer to upper arm lift surgery. ​ 2. How is the upper arm lift performed? Upper arm lift surgery first removes sagging, removes fat, excess skin and subcutaneous tissue in the inner area, and ends with reshaping and giving the upper arm a natural and rejuvenated look. Liposculpture is sometimes used as an adjunct during upper arm lift surgery. ​ Medicines are used to ensure your comfort during the surgical procedure. Having chosen the option that is best for you, the doctor proceeds to the operation after performing general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. The length and shape of the incision in the upper arm depends on the amount of skin to be removed. Incisions are made on the back or back of the upper arm at the discretion of the surgeon and only in the elbow aisles and up to the lower arm. After the incision, liposuction is performed to remove fatty deposits or lipofilling. After adjusting the shape of the muscles in the upper arm and adipose tissue, the surgeon proceeds to close the incision. Upper arm lift incisions are sutured with absorbable or removable suture material. ​ 3. Process after arm lift surgery After the upper arm lift surgery, you will have a fairly comfortable process. Swelling and blue discoloration in the upper arms and a very slight sensation of numbness in this area lasts about 2 weeks. After you are discharged home, we recommend that you leave the hospital after receiving information on the necessary procedures. ​ 4. Return to normal life after upper arm lift surgery Upper arm lift surgeries have received overwhelmingly positive reviews. The healing time of the first wound lasts from 5 to 10 days. 2 weeks after the operation, the swelling disappears and the incision lines begin to become faded. The patient at this time can return to normal life, and within 2 months after the operation, it is necessary to refrain from heavy sports. You can maintain a rejuvenated look throughout your life with exercise and weight control. In addition to this, a healthy lifestyle contributes to the preservation of the results of the procedure. ​ 5. What to choose between liposuction and an arm lift? The decision on the type of operation can be made after examination. In order to perform liposuction alone, you need sufficient skin and tissue in the upper arm. Patients who have lost a lot of weight usually suffer from excess skin, which is more than necessary for the incision when the upper arm is lifted. If you suffer from sagging skin, then liposuction is not for you. ​ 6. The recovery process After surgery, your arm will remain bandaged for several days. Thereafter, tightening clothing should be worn for 2 weeks. This will help tighten the skin around the perimeter. In addition, tightening clothing has a beneficial effect on wounds as they heal. ​ 7. When is it possible to return to exercise? It takes about 1-2 weeks to engage in daily activities, and about 4-6 weeks to continue playing sports. ​ 8. How painful is the procedure? Many patients report good pain tolerance. Most of the patients refer to a reasonably good condition a few days after the operation. ​ 9. What anesthesia is used? The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia in the operating room. In addition, a preparation for local anesthesia is additionally injected into the operated area. ​ 10. Where is the incision made? Location of the incision is determined depending on the amount of tissue removed and the place of its removal, or the back of the upper part or the lower part of the arm. The traditional vertical cut extends from the armpits to the elbow. If the excess tissue is limited to the top of the shoulder, a short crescent-shaped incision can be made in the armpit area. ​ 11. How long does it take for the suture to heal? The healing of the first suture takes about two weeks. The surgeon will then give you various guidelines to help you minimize the visibility of your incision. ​ 12. How long does the operation take? The total duration of the operation is about 2 hours. ​ 13. How soon can I make an appointment? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ Hand-LIFTING jobs, as well as the best surgeons, you will find on our Instagram подтяжка рук SIMPLE RHINOPLASTY 1. What is Simple Rhinoplasty? Simple rhinoplasty, also called no-scalpel rhinoplasty, is a surgery performed without a scalpel. Simple rhinoplasty, which allowed us to achieve the most effective results in the framework of non-surgical plastic surgery, gives the nose, located in the central line of the face, a shape that harmoniously fits the overall contour. ​ 2. Why Simple Rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty occupies the main place among the aesthetic operations that cause fear in most patients and to which they approach with some distrust due to the trauma that occurs in the postoperative process. In addition, among other factors that cause mistrust, it should be noted the length of the recovery process after rhinoplasty, the patient's separation from social life, the use of a tampon and a questionable approach to plaster. Many people with nose problems who, for aesthetic reasons, do not like their nose, postpone rhinoplasty precisely for the reasons we have listed above. That is why a simple rhinoplasty appeared, which, due to its structure, eliminates the possible problems that we listed earlier and gives our patients maximum comfort without using plaster and tampons. 3. Who can perform simple rhinoplasty? The aim of simple rhinoplasty is to lift the tip of the nose, which has dropped with age or which is congenital, in those patients who do not want to radically change the shape of the nose. With simple rhinoplasty, the tip of the nose is lifted without affecting most of the skin and the bridge of the nose, and if necessary, slight filing can be performed. 4. Application of simple rhinoplasty Simple rhinoplasty, which has a number of advantages over classical rhinoplasty, provides the patient with maximum comfort during the recovery process. Simple rhinoplasty does not use a tampon, cast, or bandage. Simple rhinoplasty is performed under local anesthesia and is completed on average within 15-20 minutes. Before performing a simple rhinoplasty, a profile and front view of the patient is taken from the patient. The picture can be taken before contacting our clinic and sent to us via our website in digital form. Our specialist doctors create the required model and develop the latest version of your nose in 3 different alternatives. ​ Simple rhinoplasty, if desired, can be performed under local anesthesia while the patient is awake, or other anesthetic techniques can be used. The problematic tip of the nose rises, and for minor problems with the bridge of the nose, filing is performed. Simple rhinoplasty, if desired, can be performed in combination with different operations, again one of the methods of non-surgical plastic. Since the face is one whole and only a general look at the face will allow you to correct each problem area and achieve the required goal. Within about 15-20 minutes, thanks to a simple procedure, you get the nose that you have dreamed of for years. ​ 5. The period after simple rhinoplasty The patient returns to social life in a fairly short time. With simple rhinoplasty, pain, swelling and blue discoloration are almost invisible or minimal. The benefits of simple rhinoplasty, which provide the patient with a fairly comfortable recovery period, are most evident during this period. 6. Benefits of Simple Rhinoplasty: • Procedure without the use of plaster, swab and scalpel • No incision, micropoint procedure • Application of local anesthesia • Sufficiently short recovery time • Instant return to social life • Simple, risk-free procedure • Alternative surgery for those who are afraid of classical rhinoplasty • Simulation in a digital environment of the patient's view after surgery and demonstration to the patient • Completion of the procedure within 15-20 minutes ​ 7. Is it possible to predict the result? Yes, thanks to digital simulation, we can show the final result after the operation. We show the patient how he will look after the operation, thus avoiding unwanted surprises. ​ 8. Which season of the year is suitable for the operation? Simple rhinoplasty can be performed any season of the year. The absence of an incision does not require protecting the nose from the sun as much as possible, as was the case with classical rhinoplasty, it is enough to protect it from the sun as required. ​ 9. When can you return to social life? Immediately after surgery. Depending on the condition, 1 day of rest after the operation is recommended. ​ 10. When can I make an appointment for an operation and examination in the near future? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ You will find works on simple rhinoplasty, as well as the best surgeons on our Instagram простая рино абдомино ABDOMINOPLASTY (tummy tuck) Tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) is an auxiliary operation that allows you to solve possible aesthetic problems in the abdomen that have arisen after childbirth, with frequent weight loss, weight gain and genetic character. 1. What is an abdominoplasty? Most of the internal organs. Extensive fatty layer in the case does not respond to sports, diet and exercise. In addition, skin problems, called stretch marks on the skin, which are associated with the destruction of collagen, leads to an unaesthetic appearance, again become a problem. Deformation of the abdominal muscles, which manifests itself after the birth of overweight children, leads to the appearance of an "apron" and sagging of the abdominal skin. ​ 2. What does an abdominoplasty cover? The area that is tummy tuck surgery starts from the last rib bone and extends to the pubic eminence (pubic eminence). The pubis (Mons pubis) is a part protruding above the surrounding area, often called the Hillock of Venus. Excessive abdominal obesity is a problem not only for women, it also affects men. The food used in this area is called food. Obesity puts on the agenda for a tummy tuck due to the fact that, despite adhering to a strict diet, complete elimination of violations of the structure of the skin regime, and obesity in this area is not possible. Even in the case of belly slimming, which will achieve successful results. ​ The inability to put on the desired item of clothing and in addition to this limitation in physical mobility, such as bending forward, due to sagging skin, in some cases the emergence of bacteria as a result of sweating causes such people not only psychological problems, but also health problems. ​ 3. Who can have tummy tuck surgery? • Persons with abdominal obesity • Persons with skin deformities and skin cracks in the abdomen • Persons with damaged internal muscles of the abdominal cavity • Persons with sagging skin, apron effect, shape loss • Wanting to get rid of the unaesthetic look. If you have all of the listed problems, then you can be contacted for a tummy tuck operation. ​ 4. How is tummy tuck performed? Tummy tuck surgery is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia. The operation begins with an incision just below the caesarean section. Then the abdominal muscles are strengthened and tightened. Then the problematic adipose tissue is removed. If necessary, the pubis and waist are re-formed. If female patients complain of loss of shape in the chest area, then breast augmentation and plastic surgery is included in the tummy tuck operation. This combination surgery, performed at the request of the patient, does not make an incision to insert the silicone implant into the breast. The implant is inserted into the abdominal cavity through a finished incision. Then a new navel is formed in the turned away skin and sutures are applied. 5. Integral factors of abdominoplasty With abdominoplasty, you should pay attention to some aspects. In terms of its structure, a new belly created as a result of a successful tummy tuck operation must meet the following positions: ​ 1) Location of the new navel The location of the newly created navel is the most important aspect of abdominoplasty that is constantly overlooked. The new navel should be formed at the level of the two pelvic bones, taking into account the proportion of the body. If the new navel is not in the desired location, a completely new look appears that does not meet aesthetic requirements. 2) Eminence of the pubis Tummy tuck surgery allows you to achieve an aesthetically pleasing belly, and the tubercle between the clitoris and the caesarean section should support this new model. The problem of obesity in the pubic region, often called the Venus tubercle, can be resolved with similar surgery. Since the problem of obesity in this area in most cases occurs simultaneously with the obesity of the abdominal cavity, therefore, the creation of an aesthetic pubis is an essential condition. ​ 6. Where should the scar be located? The incision mark after the tummy tuck operation, which should be within the bikini line, will create the maximum aesthetic effect for the patient and help mask the seam. The scar is located as low as possible, along the line of the cesarean section. ​ 7. Waist The waist area, which is not in harmony with the new toned belly, needs plastic surgery. Waist obesity can also be eliminated. Benefits of tummy tuck surgery • In our clinics, individual plastic surgery solutions for tummy tuck are created, each surgical operation is performed individually according to the patient. • Rescue from the problem of obesity in the abdomen, not solved by sports and diets • Removal of skin with a damaged structure in the form of stretch marks, the formation of a new skin structure. • Strengthening the tone of the abdomen, eliminating the protrusion of the anterior abdominal wall. • Hiding the scar under the underwear • Formation of a toned and shaped abdomen • Correctly positioned navel and incision mark • Waist in proportion to the new belly • Extremely aesthetic body 8. Process after tummy tuck surgery All of the above problems are solved with tummy tuck surgery. Tummy tuck surgeries, which will allow you to get a toned and smooth abdomen, provide a fairly comfortable recovery process for the patient, thanks to the advantages of modern technology. Within about 1 week, you will be able to return to social life and return to life again with a renewed aesthetic body. ​ 9. Is abdominoplasty performed for men? Tummy tuck surgery, which is most often used by women to resolve deformities after childbirth, can also be performed for men. ​ 10. Who is being carried out? When they are spread apart relative to the middle fascia of the abdomen, problems arise with a strong increase in adipose tissue, weakened muscles and in particular with diastasis, which occur when the rectus abdominis muscles are separated / separated. ​ 11. Why? For various reasons, the skin in the abdomen loses its elasticity and sagging occurs. In addition, the waist lines help to increase the sagging of the skin. Cracks in the skin, causes of signs of phenomena, such as deep, red marks, on the burn. Intensive deposition of adipose tissue on the walls of the abdominal cavity, cracked and weakened tone of the abdominal region as a result of pregnancy, and weakened abdominal muscles were resolved only with the help of abdominoplasty. ​ 12. How? A tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia and starts with an incision below the caesarean section. Excess sagging and out of shape skin is removed, the tone of the stenocot is restored. ​ 13. Is the result of tummy tuck surgery permanent? Abdominoplasty is the final and most effective treatment for abdominal problems. You will never return to your previous state, but you may return to your previous state due to factors such as weight gain or childbirth. ​ 14. Is tummy tuck painful? A mini tummy tuck is much less painful than a full tummy tuck. There may be some pain after the procedure due to your upright position. This takes a maximum of 1 week. ​ 14 . How soon can I make an appointment? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ Works on ABDOMINOPLASTY, as well as the best surgeons, you will find on our Instagram bbl Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) ​ 1. What is BBL? BBL is a buttock lift and augmentation surgery that allows you to give your buttocks a more youthful, toned, natural look and shape. Patients who are dissatisfied with the shape of their buttocks can do a similar plastic personality regardless of the size, buttocks, or the presence of saggy skin. 2. How is BBL Performed? To give the buttocks an aesthetic shape, the patient's own tissues are used during this operation. It is not possible to use other patient tissues. If there is not enough fat in the patient's body for this operation, then fillers are used. ​ This operation is called the Brazilian Butt Lift, also known as the Brazilian Butt Lift / BBL preferred by those who want a younger, distinct buttocks and a correct body profile. Your own systemic tissue components are used for this procedure. During BBL The fat is produced from the site of the patient's body fat and transported in the purest form and the best combination of fat and stem cells. This ensures the most lasting result. This procedure is called liposuction-assisted fat extraction and involves enriching the fat with stem cells after it has been removed. A centrifuge is used for enrichment with stem cells. In the last step, injections are injected into the buttocks. The procedure is designed to fill the upper quadrants of the buttocks, thus, the buttocks will appear bulging and toned. The effect of this procedure is a more attractive profile of your figure. If you describe in more detail; First, 1 mm punctures are made in the area of the body, using 3 mm cannulas, the fat is pumped out. The small openings of the cannula allow even the smallest particles of fat to be collected. Fats collected after liposuction are centrifuged and enriched with stem cells, the collected fats are processed in this way. Only a certain part of the collected donor fats is suitable for making injections and injecting into the buttock area. Basically, more than 33% of the fat cells are suitable for injection. Due to this, due to transplantation with stem cells, the duration of the effect of this procedure is increased. Only the highest quality donor fat cells are injected into the buttocks. In order to get good and injectable fat, 3. Why should you have a buttock plasty? Anyone who is dissatisfied with the appearance of their buttocks, their firmness and firmness. You don't have to live with buttocks of unwanted size and shape. Don't forget that there is a simple and effective solution to this problem that will give you a natural look! Fat transfer to the buttocks is the most advanced method. This method produces a softer natural look. At the same time, adipose tissue is extracted from the patient's body, so there is no risk of rejection 4. Preparation With buttock augmentation, fat cells are removed from the abdomen (mainly from the abdomen) and transplanted into the buttocks. The operation is performed with a certain type of anesthesia and lasts approximately 1.5-2 hours. You will be informed that you must not eat or drink 6 hours before the operation. Nothing else is required from you! 5. Combination Breast augmentation, breast lift and tummy tuck are surgeries that can be combined with berry plastics to achieve a slimmer and more toned look. Removing the fat from the waist can provide a more curved proportion. If necessary, the operation can be performed in combination with buttock plasty. ​ 6. Recovery and Results The length of time you recover from buttock surgery will depend on your age, health, physical condition, and environmental factors. No stitches are applied during the procedure. The operation is performed through micro punctures. There is no need for bandaging. You can return to social life immediately after the surgery, but you must not lift weights, run or engage in active activities for 1 week after the surgery. The more you rest, the faster you will recover. 7. Benefits • Elastic and natural result • Fresh look and healthy skin • Fast recovery • Getting rid of body fat • Beautiful curves of the waist and hips ​ 8. Factors influencing the result Age Many patients think that it takes a little aging for this procedure. However, it is not. This can be done at any age. Patient Gender Typically, in female patients, the adipose tissue is softer and less fibrous. However, if desired, men can also resort to buttocks plastic surgery. ​ 9. Is this procedure safe? Safe because only the patient's own natural fat is used ​ 10. What is the cost of the operation? The price for each procedure will differ, depending on the size of the body and the area of therapy. To find out the prices for buttock plastic surgery, it would be more correct to contact us and submit a request for a free examination. ​ 11. How is the recovery period going? After a Brazilian butt plasty, the recovery period lasts an average of 1 week. It is very important not to put pressure on the buttocks for three weeks after surgery. We recommend using a special pillow to avoid damaging the fatty tissue. After 48 hours, you will be able to take a shower. Practitioners have no pain You will also be able to exercise again within three weeks. ​ 12. Is the effect permanent? The administration of injections with donor fat-treated stem cell enrichment provides a permanent effect as the stem cells in the transplanted area continue to live and provide vascularization. ​ 13. Will cellulite disappear? Fat injections and the design of the aesthetic appearance of the buttocks of this procedure, which implies the treatment of cellulite. ​ 14. How much fat is required? This can vary from patient to patient. It is related to how bulging the buttocks the patient wants. ​ 15. When can I make an appointment for an operation and examination in the near future? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ You will find BBL works , as well as the best surgeons on our Instagram блефаро BLEPHAROPLASTY 1. What is blepharoplasty? The eyes are one of the most important organs. At the same time, the eyes themselves and the area around the eyes, in their structure, perform a protective function. A joyful state, sadness and even tiny facial movements in our daily life move the area around the eyes millions of times throughout the day, and the eyelids open and close. While this area is dynamic, it also has a very sensitive texture and is most exposed to sunlight. In addition to this, if we add signs associated with aging to all the listed features, then this background causes certain problems in the area around the eyes, on the eyelids, forehead and under the eyes. ​ 2. Why is blepharoplasty needed? In communication, the eyes and the area around the eyes most often attract the attention of the interlocutor. Therefore, in everyday life, looking at ourselves in the mirror, we most of all pay attention to this particular area. We notice signs of aging around our eyes and become frustrated by our tired, tense and sleepy reflection in the mirror. This situation, associated with the loss of the shape of the eyelids, causes changes in appearance, leads to the appearance of a tired and dull facial expression that has lost its aesthetic appearance, which can cause misunderstanding among people around us. Gender, race, and age lead to changes in the anatomy of the eye area. The area around the eyes varies significantly depending on the gender and race of the person. Moreover, the size of the eye area is different for men and women. In women, the eyebrows and eyelids are significantly higher and more arched, but the line of the eyelid fold is less pronounced compared to men. In men, the eyebrows are more pronounced, and the fold line of the eyelids is located much closer to their border. In terms of race, people with Asian and Far Eastern facial types have completely different eyes and eyelids that are expressed in shape. In light of the above, surgery in the eyelid area to shape the eye line and the area around the eyes in accordance with the anatomy should be performed by a specialist surgeon. ​ 3. What does blepharoplasty include? Blepharoplasty is treated as a whole in our clinics. Problems with the eyes and the area around the eyes should not be eliminated in a pinpoint way, but with the solution of all problems and signs of aging. It is with this decision that you will be able to acquire the much desired fresh and lively look. Most often, when blepharoplasty is faced with such problems as drooping eyelids, the appearance of crow's feet, drooping eyebrows, bags under the eyes, hollows between the area under the eyes and cheeks. With blephoplasty, all these problems are solved. All of the listed solutions are provided not only for creating an aesthetic look, but also have health benefits. Sagging or drooping eyelids with bags under the eyes can disrupt the angle of the field of view, which in turn leads to secondary health problems such as headaches. ​ 4. Who can have blepharoplasty? The weakening of the upper and lower eyelids occurs against the background of aging and is caused by the deformation of sagging skin towards fatty deposits. Therefore, due to such problems, performing blepharoplasty, especially as part of facial rejuvenation operations, allows you to eliminate fatigue and get rid of bags under the eyes. Baggy drooping upper eyelids are caused by stretching of the skin of the eyelids. The most common complaints about the lower eyelids are bags under the eyes or swelling. All problems are solved within the framework of eyelid surgery, i.e. blepharoplasty. Anyone who faces the listed problems can undergo blepharoplasty. Some patients, despite the absence of the primary problem, as well as middle and even young age, may have deficiencies over the centuries due to genetic problems. Young patients or middle-aged patients, having undergone blepharoplasty, can acquire a lively and free shape of the area around the eyes. ​ 5. How is the plastic around the eyes performed? In the framework of plastic surgery of the area around the eyes, sagging eyelids that violate the angle of the field of view are corrected using laser technology and the skin that causes vision problems is removed. At the same time, instead of a tired and sluggish facial expression, the patient acquires a youthful and fresh look. Saggy bags under the eyes not only cause vision problems, they give the face a tired look and make a person look older than his age. Eliminating bags under the eyes is one operation that is particularly difficult and requires extreme attention. This area, due to its structure, has extremely sensitive skin, so any incision made will cause a long recovery period and in addition to this leads to redness and blue discoloration. That is why in our clinics microintervention is carried out in the area of the roots of the eyelashes of the lower eyelid and using the existing fat deposits are evaporated using laser technology. Thanks to this, our patients go through a fairly comfortable recovery period without bruising and redness. ​ The second aspect of blepharoplasty is drooping of the eyelids. The drooping of the eyelids occurs due to the effort caused by the sagging of the eyelids and against the background of the loss of the shape of the forehead. As part of the eyebrow lift, a non-surgical method is again used by hanging the eyebrows on a thread, which allows you to eliminate drooping and wrinkles. In addition, depressions that form due to the drooping of the cheeks due to gravity and the separation of the lower eyelid from the cheek are solved with the help of Lipofilling. The period after blepharoplasty Within 3-4 days after the operation, the patient recovers and looks at life with a fresh look and confidence thanks to a rejuvenated look. ​ 6. Features of laser blepharoplasty All tissues around the eyes are structured to give the face a beauty and a youthful appearance. Together with new directions in plastic surgery, innovative solutions are applied in blepharoplasty. Any operation in the area around the eyes and in front of the eyes, especially in our country, causes fear and doubts in people, but thanks to new methods, we present adequate solutions to these problems, and people are starting to treat blepharoplasty more favorably than before. ​ 7. Non-surgical blepharoplasty Non-surgical blepharoplasty is performed in 3 stages using a laser. First, an intervention is performed with microinstruments in the area of \ u200b \ u200bthe hairline from the side of the forehead and the lowered eyebrow is raised up with the help of threads. Thus, the stress on the area around the eyes is eliminated and wrinkles, sagging and drooping of the eyelid are corrected. Non-surgical blepharoplasty, which lasts about 15 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia, due to its peculiarity does not require dressing, and also does not carry possible postoperative risks and complications. Thus, the patient immediately returns to social life. The threads used are a durable medical device, adapted to the tissues, and the patient begins to live with a new look. Reverting to a previous view is extremely difficult. ​ At the second stage, the second extremely important question is posed - the elimination of bags under the eyes. Such an operation, which we can call lower eyelid plastics, is particularly difficult all over the world due to the sensitivity of this area and causes many difficulties during the patient's recovery. ​ Given the presence of lymphatic tissue in this area, which stretches under the eyelashes, in the case of an operation, recovery occurs within a period of 3 weeks to 3 months. In addition, this area belongs to the category where complications arise most of all. Correction of any problem that arises is extremely difficult and includes risks that do not allow you to return to the previous view. That is why, in order to eliminate the previously listed risks and eliminate the occurrence of problems in the patient during operations to eliminate bags under the eyes or blepharoplasty, we carry out a point microintervention of 5 millimeters in size immediately under the eyelashes of the lower eyelid to eliminate fat deposits causing the formation of bags under the eyes. In laser blepharoplasty, we use a laser to remove sagging tissue, starting from the eyelashes of the lower eyelid, and in the case of plastic surgery of the upper eyelid, from the oval line that occurs when the eye is opened. In a sense, we evaporate excess skin. After this operation, which is applied without an incision, the depressions that form due to the drooping of the cheeks due to gravity and cause the lower eyelid to separate from the cheek are resolved with Lipofilling. ​ After solving all these problems, the patient gets better within 3-4 days and begins to look at the world with a young look. ​ 8. Benefits of non-surgical blepharoplasty • No incision • Using laser technology • Correction of the angle of view caused by sagging skin • Correction of the shape of the upper eyelids causing headaches • Create a fresh and rejuvenated look • fast recovery • Minimal risk of complications 9. Benefits of non-surgical eyebrow lift • No incision • Using the technique of hanging on a thread • Minimal risk of complications • Expressive eyes and elimination of the tired look • fast recovery 10. Benefits of non-surgical removal of bags under the eyes • No incision • Evaporation of fatty deposits by microinterventions • Minimal blueing and redness • fast recovery • Young and fresh look ​ 11 . How soon can I make an appointment? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ Works on BLEPHAROPLASTY, as well as the best surgeons, you will find on our Instagram липосакция LIPOSUCTION ​ Liposuction ranks among the basic elements for a balanced distribution of fat, proportional contours of the figure and an attractive body. Liposuction allows you to correct body lines and shape. Many people, despite playing sports and dieting, cannot get rid of and solve the problem of local obesity. Liposuction is the most modern method of solving the problem of persistent obesity, adjusting the shape and giving the body an aesthetic appearance. 1. What is liposuction? Liposuction is a surgical procedure used to correct and shape the uneven distribution of fat on the body. As an effective solution to the problem, especially local obesity, liposuction is used as an auxiliary element in many plastic surgeries. For example, when performing gynecomastia, liposuction is used to solve the problem of breast augmentation in men. In an operation to correct the curvature of the legs, fat is taken from the patient and introduced into the problem area to mask the curvature. In short, liposuction is often used to improve and enhance the results of the performed plastic surgery. ​ When using liposuction treatments alone, without using obesity treatment methods, it has not been possible to cope with diet and exercise. The use of liposuction in the area of obesity and sagging to form a natural contour will create a sculptural form. Today in plastic surgery, there are different types of liposuction. The goal of all types of liposuction is to remove fatty deposits. The types of liposuction differ in their effectiveness and benefits. ​ Turmescent liposuction provides an anesthetic solution to the problem area to minimize bleeding and discomfort after liposuction and to increase the volume of this area. Ultrasonic liposuction uses ultrasonic energy to quickly and easily remove some of the fat. Laser liposuction uses laser technologies known by the brand name smartlipo or Slimlipo. In addition, there are liposculpture methods. 2. Areas of application of liposuction The areas of the body in men and women that can be subjected to liposuction to remove fat are different. Upper legs. The most common areas causing liposuction in men, accounting for 15-25% of such patients, are the jaw, neck, abdomen, chest and shoulder blades. ​ 3. How is liposuction performed? When using liposuction alone, without combining with any plastic surgery, it can be performed under local anesthesia. However, it is possible to use general anesthesia. The plastic surgeon decides on the form of anesthesia and marks the areas where the liposuction will be performed with a pencil. One or more small incisions are made near the area. Depending on the technique used, thin cannulas or thinnest balloons are inserted through the incisions made. The surgeon directs the vibration of the device to liquefy the fat layer under the skin and remove it. The duration of the operation depends on the size of the area and the amount of fat removed. 4. Process after liposuction After the surgery, the problems of swelling, blue discoloration or sagging of the skin are reduced to a minimum to the most modern lime technique. Many patients have a few days after liposuction, depending on their daily activities and daily life. Although pain after surgery depends on your threshold, many patients claim that they did not use pain relievers during their recovery. ​ In some cases, after liposuction, your surgeon may recommend that you wear a corset. Wearing a brace is a preventative measure that prevents contractions and swelling. The incisions made will heal in a few weeks and completely disappear within 1 year. 5. Weight gain after liposuction Liposuction almost completely removes fat deposits in case of local obesity. It could be obesity. For this reason, for a new figure, we recommend that you follow a weight maintenance program. ​ When performing the procedure by a qualified surgeon, you can get extremely positive feedback and you have no doubts about the safety of this procedure. Liposuction, which has won preference as an excellent method for correcting body shape and creating an aesthetic figure, should in no way be considered as a method of losing weight. It relieves you of localized deposits. First you need to exercise and go on a diet, and if the results are not successful, you can have liposuction. ​ 6. Results Many patients who come to our clinic for this procedure go away in a few days. As a rule, the surrounding cuts do not notice, they become invisible. Aids, such as wearing a corset after liposuction, will provide optimal results. When preserved after surgery, our patients achieved an aesthetic and effective result. Liposuction is not a weight loss method. It allows you to solve the problem of local obesity, leads to the formation of an unaesthetic appearance and loss of shape. You can turn to liposuction if you have aesthetic doubts about localized obesity despite regular exercise and a healthy and balanced diet. ​ 7. Who can get liposuction? Healthy individuals with realistic expectations for liposuction are good candidates for liposuction to maximize joy in liposuction results. Those who, despite a healthy diet, diet and exercise, have not been able to cope with local obesity, can undergo liposuction. ​ 8. What should be realistic expectations from the operation? After liposuction, the patient acquires a new body or corrected body contours, depending on the place where the liposuction is performed. After liposuction, the regrowth of fat cells in such an area is not observed, but with a strong weight gain, it can change. ​ 9. What are the possible complications and risks after liposuction? The liposuction procedure carries no serious risks and complications. According to the research done to date, the most dangerous thing about liposuction is the very large number of liposuction performed in one day and many unrelated surgeries performed on the same day the liposuction was performed. Although liposuction is extremely reliable, it carries risks such as nerve damage, skin ulcers, bleeding, and rarely infections. ​ 10. How should you choose a surgeon? Among the most frequently asked questions is the price of liposuction. The very low cost of liposuction may indicate an incomplete procedure. For this reason, we recommend that you think not about the price, but your health and ask questions in this direction. Feel free to ask your doctor questions about liposuction. Ask all important and extremely interesting questions and before making a decision, make a choice based on the answers received. ​ 11. What are the important features of reliable liposuction? Liposuction should be performed in a clinical setting in a hospital or operating room. A reliable surgical liposuction unit minimizes the risk of infection during surgery. In addition, such conditions require the maintenance of high cleanliness and maximum patient comfort. ​ 12. Do you experience pain after surgery? After that, minimal pain is possible. They decrease over time. ​ 13. Does liposuction affect the appearance of the skin? The appearance of the skin after liposuction depends on the elasticity of the skin. With good elasticity of the skin after liposuction, a smooth and natural look is created. ​ 14. Are there any visible traces of the operation? Liposuction uses tiny cannulas (microcannulas), so small incisions are made. The incisions heal completely or remain subtle. ​ 15. Does liposuction help weight loss? Liposuction is not a weight loss method. Liposuction can only solve the problem of local obesity, which could not be dealt with with the help of diets and exercise. ​ 16. When can I make an appointment for an operation and examination in the near future? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ You will find liposuction works , as well as the best surgeons on our Instagram ​ Эндо брови 1.эндо лоб 2. Эндотины 3. Подтяжка бровей 4. Специф ENDOSCOPIC EYEBROW LIFT ​ There are several methods that can be used in eyebrow lift surgeries, but the most commonly used and popular application today, the endoscope, is a procedure performed with small, thin cameras without leaving any incision marks. It is an operation that is easy to perform in the operating room under local anesthesia, supported by general or sedative therapy. ​ An endoscopic brow lift can be operated without bleeding or scarring by opening small holes in the lower parts of the scalp from several different parts. In this way, the risk of scarring is avoided, as the older methods provide less swelling, pain and a shorter healing process. ​ If pain does not occur after surgery, a regular pain reliever pill is sufficient. The stitches are removed between 8 and 12 days. Since the scars from the surgery will remain under the scalp, there are no problems with scarring. Compared to the botox process, the shape given to your eyebrows lasts much longer in this position, and this operation does not need to be repeated in certain processes, as is done with a botox brow lift. Endoscopic brow lift can provide long-lasting results compared to non-surgical use. ​ How soon can I make an appointment? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ Works on ENDOSCOPIC EYEBROW LIFTING, as well as the best surgeons, you will find on our Instagram ​ подтяжка лиуа Endoscopic Facial Surgery (Midface Lift - Forehead Lift - Eyebrow Lift) ​ An endoscopic facelift is a popular technique because it is a surgical procedure with a very small and hidden incision, which gives very effective results in patients with early signs of aging who do not yet require “complete face rejuvenation”. By itself, this method is a great option for a patient who has less laxity or sagging skin and no problems in the lower face and neck. ​ In an endoscopic facelift, a small number of small, invisible incisions are made in the scalp and in the temples, and sometimes in the mouth. Sagging tissues on the cheeks are lifted with an endoscope (a small camera with a light source) and special instruments. The face is rejuvenated and rejuvenated without leaving visible scars. ​ This method can be used in combination if you have severely saggy skin and excess fat or skin on your neck. Good; The forehead, eyebrows and midface can be adjusted endoscopically, while the neck and chin line can be corrected using traditional facial rejuvenation techniques. ​ 1. Who is an endoscopic facelift suitable for? An endoscopic facelift is especially effective when the following symptoms are present: persons with a sagging area from the lower eyelid to corner of the mouth; persons with a deep crease extending from the nostrils to the corner of the mouth (nasolabial region); faces with a smile. that began to fall. ​ An endoscopic facelift can be thought of as a light touch to reduce gravity. The face, which is pulled down by gravity, rises vertically. This procedure is less invasive than other face lifts, providing a natural, more youthful look without the need for a full facelift. The most important benefit of an endoscopic facelift is that it leaves no scars on the patient or leaves very few scars. 2. What is done during an endoscopic facelift? During an endoscopic facelift, an endoscope (a very small camera) is inserted through one incision and a surgical instrument through another. Dr. Basaran controls the camera and surgical instrument through the image on the TV screen and can modify the subcutaneous tissue. While an endoscopic facelift is not as dynamic as a traditional facelift, it does provide forehead and cheek benefits that are more difficult to achieve with a traditional facelift. However, due to the nature of the procedure, it is impossible to cope with problems of the jaw line and neck. ​ 3. What is an endoscopic mid-face lift? An endoscopic mid-face lift is a surgical procedure applied to the cheekbones, around the mouth, eyelid lines and cheekbones on the 2 middle sides of the face. These areas on your face can cause bad appearance, such as sagging, wrinkling and bagging, which are mainly caused by aging and the effects of gravity. Mid-face lift surgery removes these bad facial images and makes the person who has the surgery look younger and prettier. ​ The endoscopic mid-face lift is a popular surgery performed using an endoscope and is widely known and used among women. In this operation, which is simpler and shorter than conventional facelift surgeries, the healing and recovery process is painless and faster. Endoscopic mid-face lift is not recommended for severe depression and old age. ​ How soon can I make an appointment? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ Works on ENDOSCOPIC FACE LIFTING, as well as the best surgeons, you will find on our Instagram ​ ПОДТЯЖКА ЛБА FOREHEAD LIFT ​ During the natural aging process, repetitive movements such as sun exposure, environmental factors, gravity, concentration, and squinting cause wrinkles to appear on the surface of the forehead. Many patients are concerned about the negative impact these lines have on the overall aesthetic appearance and opt for forehead lift surgery to reduce discomfort. ​ Thanks to advances in modern surgery, it is now possible to offer forehead lift options where very small incisions are used and these incisions are not visible at all due to the hairline. ​ Men and women who are looking for solutions to the following problems are good candidates for a forehead lift: deep horizontal wrinkles on forehead an angry or tired look due to sagging eyebrows lines between the eyebrows and at the top of the nose. forehead lift techniques Coronal incision technique: This widely used forehead lift technique often uses an incision covered in hair. The incision begins above the ears and continues across the scalp. In some patients, the incision is made in front of the hairline to avoid elevation of the hairline. ​ Regardless of the location, the incision will be as indistinct as possible after healing. The doctor, with a successful coronal incision, can reconstruct or remove some of the wrinkle-causing muscles by removing excess skin before raising the eyebrows to a more youthful position. ​ Endoscopic forehead lift: This limited incision technique uses an endoscope (a thin tube with a light attached to a video camera) for surgical imaging. This endoscope is inserted through several incisions in the scalp rather than through a long incision, thus minimizing scar tissue and shortening the healing period. Other limited incision methods: some limited incision forehead lift techniques can be performed without the use of an endoscope. Small incisions can be made at the temple area to stretch out drooping brows, and incisions on the upper eyelid may be preferred to correct frown lines. ​ How soon can I make an appointment? ​ our mail: Whats App / Viber: +90 505 479 19 17 ​ Forehead lift jobs, as well as the best surgeons, you can find on our Instagram

  • Пластическая хирургия и лечение рака в Турции | Medikal & Estetik Group

    DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES Contrast-enhanced CT in Turkey Oncological screening in Turkey PET / CT in Turkey 3D Computed Tomography in Turkey Check-UP diagnostics in Turkey BRAF genetic mutation in Turkey Fusion biopsy in Turkey Endoscopic ultrasound biopsy in Turkey Genetic analysis in Turkey Endoscopy in Turkey Ultrasound-guided transrectal biopsy in Turkey AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION. DIAGNOSES Cancer treatment in Turkey Neurosurgery in Turkey Neurology in Turkey Cardiac surgery in Turkey Dentistry in Turkey Plastic surgery in Turkey Ophthalmology in Turkey Transplantology in Turkey Orthopedics and Traumatology in Turkey

  • Пластическая хирургия и лечение рака в Турции | Medikal & Estetik Group

    TREATMENT OF KIDNEY CANCER IN TURKEY MENU PAGES: 1. Risk factors for kidney cancer 2. Renal cell carcinoma: 2.1. Signs of renal cell carcinoma 2.2. Diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma 2.3. How does cancer spread in renal cell carcinoma patients? 2.4. Treatments for patients with renal cell carcinoma 3. Transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter 3.1. Signs and symptoms of transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter 3.2. Factors influence prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options. 3.3. Tests for detecting metastases 3.4. How cancer spreads throughout the body 3.5. Types of transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter 3.6. Treatment methods for patients with transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter. 4. Wilms' tumors and other kidney tumors in children 4.1. Types of Wilms tumor in children 4.2. Wilms tumor risk factors 4.3. Williams Tumor Screening Tests 4.4. Signs of Williams' tumor 4.5. Tests for the diagnosis of Wilms tumor and other kidney tumors in children 4.6. Factors affecting the prognosis of recovery and treatment options 4.7. How cancer spreads throughout the body 4.8. Treatments for Williams' tumor in children 4.9. Side Effects of Treating Williams' Kidney Tumor in Children COST OF TREATMENT AND DIAGNOSIS OF KIDNEY CANCER IN TURKEY 1. Risk factors for kidney cancer ​ Anything that increases the risk of a disease is called a risk factor. Having a risk factor does not mean that you will get cancer; the absence of risk factors does not mean that you will not get cancer. Talk to your doctor if you think you are at risk. ​ Risk factors for renal cell carcinoma include the following: ​ Smoking. Abusing certain pain medications, including over-the-counter pain relievers, for a long time. Excess weight . High blood pressure. Has a family history of renal cell carcinoma. The presence of certain genetic diseases, such as von Hippel-Lindau disease or hereditary papillary renal cell carcinoma ​ 2. Renal cell carcinoma ​ Kidney cancer can develop in adults and children. The main types of kidney cancer are renal cell carcinoma, transitional cell carcinoma, and Wilms' tumor. Certain inherited conditions increase the risk of kidney cancer. Explore the links on this page to learn more about kidney cancer treatments, statistics, research, and clinical trials. ​ Renal cell carcinoma is a disease in which malignant (cancerous) cells form in the tubules of the kidneys. ​ Renal cell carcinoma (also called kidney cancer or renal cell adenocarcinoma) is a disease in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the lining of the tubules (very small tubes) in the kidneys. Above the waist are 2 kidneys, one on each side of the spine. Tiny tubules in the kidneys filter and purify the blood. They excrete waste products and produce urine. Urine travels from each kidney through a long tube called the ureter into the bladder. The bladder retains urine until it passes through the urethra and leaves the body. ​ Cancer that begins in the ureters or the renal pelvis (the part of the kidney that collects urine and diverts it to the ureters) is different from renal cell carcinoma. 2.1. Signs of renal cell carcinoma ​ These and others signs and symptoms can be caused by renal cell carcinoma or other conditions. Early stages there may be no signs or symptoms. Signs and symptoms may appear as you grow tumors ... Check with your doctor if you have any of the following: ​ Blood in the urine. Bump in belly ... Side pain persists. A loss appetite ... Losing weight for an unknown reason. Anemia ... 2.2. Diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma Tests that examine the abdomen and kidneys are used to diagnose renal cell carcinoma. ​ The following tests and procedures can be used: ​ Physical examination and health history A body exam to check for general signs of health, including checking for signs of illness such as bumps or anything else that seems unusual. There will also be a history of the patient's health habits, as well as past illnesses and treatments. ​ Ultrasound examination : A procedure in which high energy sound waves (ultrasound) are reflected off internal tissues or organs and create an echo. The echo forms a picture of body tissue called a sonogram. ​ Studies of the chemical composition of blood : A procedure in which a blood sample is tested to measure the amount of certain substances that enter the bloodstream by organs and tissues of the body. An unusual (more or less than usual) amount of a substance may be a sign of illness. ​ General urine analysis : a test to check the color of urine and its contents such as sugar, protein, red blood cells and white blood cells. ​ CT (computed tomography) : A procedure in which a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body, such as the abdomen and pelvis, are taken from different angles. The pictures were taken by a computer connected to an X-ray machine. The dye can be injected into a vein or swallowed so that organs or tissues can be seen more clearly. This procedure is also called computed tomography, computed tomography, or computed axial tomography. ​ MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) : A procedure that uses a magnet, radio waves, and a computer to create a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body. This procedure is also called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). ​ Biopsy : Removing cells or tissues so that a pathologist can examine them under a microscope to check for signs of cancer. To get a biopsy for renal cell carcinoma, a thin needle is inserted into the tumor and a tissue sample is taken. After renal cell cancer is diagnosed, tests are done to find out if the cancer cells have spread to the kidneys or other parts of the body. ​ The process used to determine if cancer has spread to the kidneys or to other parts of the body is called staging. The information gathered during the staging process determines the stage of the disease. It is important to know the stage in order to plan treatment. During the preparation process, the following tests and procedures can be used: ​ CT (computed tomography) : A procedure in which a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body, such as the chest or brain, are taken from different angles. The pictures were taken by a computer connected to an X-ray machine. The dye can be injected into a vein or swallowed to help organs or tissues show more clearly. This procedure is also called computed tomography, computed tomography, or computed axial tomography. ​ MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) : A procedure that uses a magnet, radio waves and a computer to create a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body, such as the brain. This procedure is also called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). ​ Chest x-ray : X-ray of internal organs and bones of the chest. An X-ray is a type of energy beam that can pass through a body onto a film, creating an image of areas within the body. ​ Bone scan: a procedure to check for rapidly dividing cells such as cancer cells in the bone. A very small amount of radioactive material is injected into a vein and passed through the bloodstream. The radioactive material builds up in the bones in cancer and is detected by a scanner. ​ 2.3. How does cancer spread in renal cell carcinoma patients? ​ Cancer spreads through the body in three ways. ​ Cancer can spread through tissues, the lymphatic system, and the blood: ​ Textile. Cancer spreads from where it originated to surrounding areas. The lymphatic system. Cancer spreads from where it originated to the lymphatic system. Cancer spreads through the lymphatic vessels to other parts of the body. Blood. Cancer spreads from where it originated into the bloodstream. Cancer spreads through the blood vessels to other parts of the body. Cancer can spread from where it originated to other parts of the body. When cancer spreads to another part of the body, it is called metastasis. Cancer cells break away from where they originated (primary tumor) and travel through the lymphatic system or blood. ​ The lymphatic system. Cancer enters the lymphatic system, travels through the lymphatic vessels and forms tumor ( metastatic swelling) in another part of the body. Blood. Cancer enters the bloodstream, travels through the blood vessels, and forms a tumor (metastatic tumor) in another part of the body. A metastatic tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. For example, if renal cell carcinoma spreads to the bone, the cancer cells in the bone are actually cancerous kidney cells. The disease is metastatic renal cell carcinoma, not bone cancer. ​ 2.4. Treatments for patients with renal cell carcinoma ​ There are various treatments for renal cell carcinoma patients. ​ Various treatments are available for renal cell carcinoma patients. Some treatments are standard (currently used) and some are in clinical trials. A treatment clinical trial is a scientific study designed to help improve existing treatments or provide information about new treatments for patients with cancer. When clinical trials show that a new treatment is better than the standard treatment, the new treatment can become the standard treatment. Patients may want to take part in a clinical trial. Some clinical trials are only open to patients who have not yet started treatment. ​ Five types of standard treatments are used: ​ 1.Operation ​ Surgery to remove part or all of the kidney is often used to treat renal cell carcinoma. The following types of surgical procedures can be used: ​ Partial nephrectomy : A surgical procedure to remove a tumor of the kidney and some tissue around it. Partial nephrectomy can be performed to prevent loss of kidney function when the other kidney is damaged or has already been removed. ​ Simple nephrectomy : a surgical procedure to remove only the kidney. ​ Radical nephrectomy : A surgical procedure to remove the kidney, adrenal gland, surrounding tissue and usually nearby lymph nodes. ​ A person can live with part 1 of a working kidney, but if both kidneys are removed or not working, they will need dialysis (a procedure to purify blood with an apparatus outside the body) or a kidney transplant (replacement of a healthy kidney). donor kidney). A kidney transplant can be done if only the kidney is affected and a donor kidney can be found. If the patient needs to wait for a kidney donation, another treatment is prescribed if necessary. ​ When surgery to remove the cancer is not possible, a treatment called arterial embolization can be used to shrink the tumor. A small incision is made and a catheter (thin tube) is inserted into the main blood vessel that flows to the kidney. Small pieces of a special gelatinous sponge are inserted through a catheter into a blood vessel. The sponges block blood flow to the kidneys and prevent cancer cells from receiving oxygen and other substances necessary for growth. ​ After a doctor removes any tumors that can be seen during surgery, some patients may be given chemotherapy or radiation therapy after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells. Treatment given after surgery to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence is called adjuvant therapy. ​ 2. Radiation therapy ​ Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high-energy X-rays or other types of radiation to kill cancer cells or prevent them from growing. External beam radiation therapy uses a device outside the body to direct radiation to an area of the body affected by cancer. External beam radiation therapy is used to treat renal cell carcinoma and can also be used as palliative therapy to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. ​ 3. Chemotherapy ​ Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells by either killing the cells or stopping them from dividing. When chemotherapy is taken by mouth or injected into a vein or muscle, the drugs enter the bloodstream and can reach cancer cells throughout the body (systemic chemotherapy). ​ 4. Immunotherapy ​ Immunotherapy is a treatment that uses the patient's immune system to fight cancer. Substances produced by the body or in the laboratory are used to enhance, direct, or restore the body's natural defenses against cancer. This type of cancer treatment is also called biotherapy or biological therapy. ​ The following types of immunotherapy are used in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma: ​ Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy: Certain types of immune cells, such as T cells and some cancer cells, have certain proteins on their surface called checkpoint proteins that control immune responses. When cancer cells contain large amounts of these proteins, they will not be attacked and killed by T cells. Inhibitors of immune checkpoints block these proteins and the ability of T cells to kill cancer cells is increased. They are used to treat some patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma that cannot be surgically removed. ​ There are two types of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy: CTLA-4 Inhibitor: CTLA-4 is a protein on the surface of T cells that helps control the body's immune responses. When CTLA-4 attaches to another protein, called B7, on a cancer cell, it stops the T cell from killing the cancer cell. CTLA-4 inhibitors attach to CTLA-4 and allow T cells to kill cancer cells. Ipilimumab is one of the CTLA-4 inhibitors. ​ Inhibitor PD-1 : PD-1 is a protein on the surface of T cells that helps control the body's immune responses. When PD-1 attaches to another protein, called PDL-1, on a cancer cell, it stops the T cell from killing it. PD-1 inhibitors attach to PDL-1 and allow T cells to kill cancer cells. Nivolumab , pembrolizumab and avelumab are types of PD-1 inhibitors. ​​ Interferon: Interferon affects cancer cell division and may slow tumor growth. ​​ Interleukin-2 (IL-2): IL-2 enhances the growth and activity of many immune cells, especially lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). Lymphocytes can attack and kill cancer cells. ​ 5. Targeted therapy ​ Targeted therapy uses drugs or other substances to identify and attack certain cancer cells without harming normal cells. Targeted anti-angiogenic therapy is used to treat advanced renal cell carcinoma. Anti-angiogenic agents interfere with the formation of blood vessels in the tumor, causing the tumor to starve and stop growing or shrinking. ​ Monoclonal antibodies and kinase inhibitors are two types of anti-angiogenic agents used to treat renal cell carcinoma. ​ Monoclonal antibody therapy uses antibodies obtained in the laboratory from a single cell type of the immune system. These antibodies can identify substances on cancer cells or normal substances that can promote the growth of cancer cells. Antibodies attach to substances and kill cancer cells, block their growth, or prevent them from spreading. Monoclonal antibodies are given by infusion. They can be used alone or to carry drugs, toxins, or radioactive materials directly to cancer cells. Monoclonal antibodies, used to treat renal cell carcinoma, attach to and block substances that cause new blood vessels to form in tumors. Bevacizumab is a monoclonal antibody. ​ Kinase inhibitors stop cell division and can prevent the growth of new blood vessels necessary for tumor growth . Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors and mTOR inhibitors are kinase inhibitors used in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma. ​ VEGF inhibitors: Cancer cells produce a substance called VEGF, which causes new blood vessels to form (angiogenesis) and helps the cancer grow. VEGF inhibitors block VEGF and prevent new blood vessel formation. This can kill cancer cells because they need new blood vessels to grow. Sunitinib, Pazopanib, cabozantinib, axitinib, sorafenib, and lenvatinib are VEGF inhibitors. ​ MTOR inhibitors: mTOR is a protein that helps cells divide and survive. MTOR inhibitors block mTOR and can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent the growth of new blood vessels necessary for tumor growth. Everolimus and temsirolimus are mTOR inhibitors. ​ 1) 2 1 2) 3) 4) 3. Transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter Transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter is a disease in which malignant (cancerous) cells form in the renal pelvis and ureter. ​ The renal pelvis is the upper part of the ureter. The ureter is a long tube that connects the kidney to the bladder. Above the waist are two kidneys, one on each side of the spine. The kidneys of an adult are about 5 inches long and 3 inches wide and are shaped like a bean. Tiny tubules in the kidneys filter and purify the blood. They excrete waste products and produce urine. Urine collects in the middle of each kidney in the renal pelvis. Urine passes from the renal pelvis through the ureter into the bladder. The bladder retains urine until it passes through the urethra and leaves the body. 3 Anatomy of the male urinary system (left panel) and the female urinary system (right panel), showing the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Urine is produced in the renal tubules and collected in the renal pelvis of each kidney. Urine flows from the kidneys through the ureters into the bladder. Urine is stored in the bladder until it leaves the body through the urethra. The renal pelvis and ureters are lined with transitional cells. These cells can change shape and stretch without collapsing. Transitional cell carcinoma begins in these cells. ​ Transitional cell carcinoma can form in the renal pelvis, ureter, or both. Renal cell carcinoma is the more common type of kidney cancer. ​ 3.1. Signs and symptoms of transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter ​ These and other signs and symptoms can be caused by transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter or other conditions. In the early stages, there may be no signs or symptoms. Signs and symptoms may appear as the tumor grows. Check with your doctor if you have any of the following: ​ Blood in the urine. Back pain that does not go away. Great fatigue. Weight loss for no known reason. Painful or frequent urination. 3.1. Ureteroscopy. A ureteroscope (a thin, tube-like instrument with a light and viewing lens) is inserted through the urethra into the ureter. The doctor looks at an image of the inside of the ureter on a computer monitor. Urine cytology : A laboratory test in which a urine sample is checked under a microscope for abnormal cells. Cancer of the kidney, bladder, or ureter can shed cancer cells into the urine. ​ CT (computed tomography) : A procedure in which a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body are taken from different angles. The pictures were taken by a computer connected to an X-ray machine. The dye can be injected into a vein or swallowed to help organs or tissues show more clearly. This procedure is also called computed tomography, computed tomography, or computed axial tomography. ​ Ultrasound : A procedure in which high energy sound waves (ultrasound) are reflected from internal tissues or organs and create an echo. The echo forms a picture of body tissue called a sonogram. An abdominal ultrasound can help diagnose cancers of the renal pelvis and ureter. ​ MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) : A procedure that uses a magnet, radio waves, and a computer to create a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body, such as the pelvis. This procedure is also called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). ​ Biopsy : Removing cells or tissues so that a pathologist can examine them under a microscope to check for signs of cancer. This can be done during ureteroscopy or surgery. ​ 3.2. Factors influence prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options. Forecast depends on the stage and degree tumors. Treatment options depend on the following: ​ Stage and grade of the tumor. Where is the tumor. Whether the patient's other kidney is healthy. Does the cancer have a relapse. Most transitional cell cancers of the renal pelvis and ureter can be cured if detected early. ​ 3.3. Tests for detecting metastases ​ The process used to determine if cancer has spread to the renal pelvis and ureter or to other parts of the body is called staging. The information gathered during the staging process determines the stage of the disease. It is important to know the stage in order to plan treatment. The doctor, based on the results of diagnostic tests, will help determine the stage of the disease. ​ The following tests and procedures can also be used in the preparation process: ​ Chest x-ray : X-ray of organs and bones inside the chest. An X-ray is a type of energy beam that can pass through a body onto a film, creating an image of areas within the body. ​ PET scan (positron emission tomography) : a procedure to search for malignant tumor cells in the body. A small amount of radioactive glucose (sugar) is injected into a vein. The PET scanner rotates around the body and takes a picture of where glucose is being used in the body. Malignant tumor cells appear brighter in the image because they are more active and consume more glucose than normal cells. ​ Bone scan : A procedure to check for rapidly dividing cells such as cancer cells in the bone. A very small amount of radioactive material is injected into a vein and passed through the bloodstream. The radioactive material builds up in the bones in cancer and is detected by a scanner. ​ 3.4. How cancer spreads throughout the body ​ Cancer can spread through tissues, the lymphatic system, and the blood: ​ Textile. Cancer spreads from where it originated to surrounding areas. The lymphatic system . Cancer spreads from where it originated to the lymphatic system. Cancer spreads through the lymphatic vessels to other parts of the body. Blood. Cancer spreads from where it originated into the bloodstream. Cancer spreads through the blood vessels to other parts of the body. ​ Cancer can spread from where it originated to other parts of the body. ​ When cancer spreads to another part of the body, it is called metastasis. Cancer cells break away from where they originated (primary tumor) and travel through the lymphatic system or blood. ​ The lymphatic system. Cancer enters the lymphatic system, travels through the lymphatic vessels, and forms a tumor (metastatic tumor) in another part of the body. Blood. Cancer enters the bloodstream, travels through the blood vessels, and forms a tumor (metastatic tumor) in another part of the body. ​ A metastatic tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. For example, if transitional cell carcinoma of the ureter has spread to the lungs, the lung cancer cells are actually ureteral cancer cells. The disease is metastatic cancer of the ureter, not lung cancer. ​ 3.5. Types of transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter Transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter is also described as localized, regional, metastatic, or recurrent: ​ 1. Localized Cancer is found only in the kidneys. ​ 2. Regional The cancer has spread to tissues around the kidney and nearby lymph nodes and blood vessels in the pelvic region. ​ 3. Metastatic The cancer has spread to other parts of the body. 4. Recurrent The cancer was recurred (come back) after it was treated. Cancer can return to the renal pelvis, ureter, or other parts of the body such as the lungs, liver, or bone. ​ 3.6. Treatment methods for patients with transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter. Various treatments are available for patients with transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter. Some treatments are standard (currently used) and some are in clinical trials. A clinical trial of treatment is a scientific study designed to help improve current treatments or provide information about new treatments for patients with cancer. When clinical trials show that a new treatment is better than standard treatment, the new treatment may become the standard treatment. Patients may want to take part in a clinical trial. Some clinical trials are only open to patients who have not yet started treatment. ​ One type of standard treatment is used: 1. Operation ​ One of the following surgical procedures can be used to treat transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter: ​ Nephroureterectomy : Surgery to remove the entire kidney, ureter, and bladder cuff (the tissue that connects the ureter to the bladder). ​ Segmental ureteral resection: A surgical procedure to remove a portion of the ureter with cancer and a portion of the healthy tissue around it. Then the ends of the ureter are reattached. This procedure is used when the cancer is superficial and only near the bladder in the lower third of the ureter. ​ 2. Fulguration is a surgical procedure in which tissue is destroyed by an electric current. An instrument with a small wire loop at the end is used to remove a tumor or to burn off a tumor with electricity. 3. Segmental resection of the renal pelvis It is a surgical procedure to remove localized cancer from the renal pelvis without removing the entire kidney. Segmental resection can be done to preserve renal function when the other kidney is damaged or has already been removed. 4. Laser surgery A laser beam (a narrow beam of intense light) is used like a knife to remove cancer. The laser beam can also be used to kill cancer cells. This procedure can also be called laser fulguration. ​ 5. Regional chemotherapy and regional biological therapy Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells by either killing the cells or stopping them from dividing. Biological therapy is a treatment that uses the patient's immune system to fight cancer; substances produced by the body or made in a laboratory are used to enhance, direct or restore the body's natural defenses against cancer. Local treatment means that anticancer drugs or biological agents are injected directly into an organ or body cavity, such as the abdominal cavity, so the drugs will affect cancer cells in that area. Clinical trials are looking at chemotherapy or biologic therapy using drugs that are injected directly into the renal pelvis or ureter. ​ 4. Wilms' tumors and other kidney tumors in children Kidney tumors in children are diseases in which malignant (cancerous) cells form in the tissues of the kidneys. ​ Above the waist are two kidneys, one on each side of the spine. Tiny tubules in the kidneys filter and purify the blood. They excrete waste products and produce urine. Urine travels from each kidney through a long tube called the ureter into the bladder. The bladder retains urine until it passes through the urethra and leaves the body. ​ 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 4 Anatomy of the female urinary system: kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, bladder and urethra. Urine is produced in the renal tubules and collected in the renal pelvis of each kidney. Urine flows from the kidneys through the ureters into the bladder. Urine is stored in the bladder until it leaves the body through the urethra. 4.1. Types of Wilms tumor in children There are many types of kidney tumors in children. 1. Wilms' tumor With Wilms' tumor, one or more tumors may be found in one or both kidneys. Wilms' tumor can spread to the lungs, liver, bones, brain, or nearby lymph nodes. In children and adolescents under the age of 15, the majority of kidney cancers are Wilms' tumors. 2. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) Renal cell carcinoma is rare in children and adolescents under 15 years of age. It is much more common in adolescents from 15 to 19 years old. Children and adolescents are more likely to be diagnosed with a large renal cell tumor or cancer that has spread. Renal cell carcinoma can spread to the lungs, liver, bones, or lymph nodes. Renal cell carcinoma can also be called renal cell carcinoma. 3. Rhabdoid tumor of the kidney Rhabdoid kidney tumor is a type of kidney cancer that is more common in infants and young children. At the time of diagnosis, the disease is often progressing. A renal rhabdoid tumor grows rapidly and spreads, often to the lungs or brain. ​ Children with a specific SMARCB1 gene change can also grow tumors in the kidney, brain, or soft tissue. These children are regularly checked for a rhabdoid tumor in the kidney or brain: Children from birth or diagnosis under 5 years old MRI head and dorsal brain and Abdominal ultrasound every 3 months. 4. Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney Clear cell renal sarcoma is an uncommon kidney cancer that can spread to the bones, lungs, brain, liver, or soft tissue. Most often occurs before the age of 3 years. It can recur (come back) up to 14 years after treatment, often in the brain or lungs. ​ 5. Congenital mesoblastic nephroma Congenital mesoblastic nephroma is a tumor of the kidney that is often diagnosed during the first year of life or before birth. It is the most common kidney tumor found in children under 6 months of age and is more common in men than women. It can usually be cured. 6. Ewing's sarcoma of the kidneys Ewing's sarcoma (formerly called neuroepithelial tumor) of the kidney is rare and usually occurs in young adults. This cancer grows rapidly and spreads to other parts of the body. 7. Primary myoepithelial carcinoma of the kidney Primary myoepithelial carcinoma of the kidney is a rare type of cancer that usually affects soft tissue but sometimes forms in internal organs (such as the kidneys). This cancer grows and spreads rapidly. 8. Cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma Cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma is a very rare type of Wilms tumor, consisting of cysts. ​ 9. Multilocular cystic nephroma ​ Multilocular cystic nephroma is a benign tumor of cysts that is most common in infants, young children, and adult women. These tumors can occur in one or both kidneys. Children with this type of tumor may also have pleuropulmonary blastoma, so imaging tests are done to check the lungs for cysts or solid tumors. Since multilocular cystic nephroma can be hereditary, genetic counseling and genetic testing may be considered. For more information, see the PDQ Summary of Pediatric Pleuropulmonary Blastoma Management. ​ 10. Primary renal synovial sarcoma Primary synovial renal sarcoma is a cystic tumor of the kidney that is most common in young adults. These tumors grow and spread rapidly. ​ 11. Anaplastic renal sarcoma Anaplastic renal sarcoma is a rare tumor that most often occurs in children or adolescents under 15 years of age. Anaplastic renal sarcoma often spreads to the lungs, liver, or bones. Imaging tests may be performed that check the lungs for cysts or solid tumors. Since anaplastic sarcoma can be hereditary, genetic counseling and genetic testing may be considered. ​ Nephroblastomatosis is not cancer, but it can develop into Wilms tumor. ​ Sometimes, after the kidneys form in the fetus, abnormal groups of kidney cells remain in one or both of the kidneys. In nephroblastomatosis (diffuse hyperplastic perilobar nephroblastomatosis), these abnormal groups of cells can grow in many places within the kidney or form a thick layer around the kidney. When these groups of abnormal cells are found in a kidney after removal for a Wilms tumor, the child is at increased risk of a Wilms tumor in the other kidney. Regular follow-up is important at least every 3 months for at least 7 years after the child is diagnosed or treated. ​ 4.2. Wilms tumor risk factors ​ Anything that increases the risk of a disease is called a risk factor. Having a risk factor does not mean that you will get cancer; the absence of risk factors does not mean that you will not get cancer. Talk to your child's doctor if you think your child may be at risk. ​ Wilms' tumor may be part of a genetic syndrome that affects growth or development. A genetic syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms or conditions that occur together and are caused by certain changes in genes. Certain conditions or environmental influences can also increase a child's risk of developing Wilms tumor. The following has been associated with Wilms' tumor: ​ WAGR syndrome (Wilms tumor, aniridia, anomaly of the genitourinary system and mental retardation). Denis-Drash syndrome (anomaly of the genitourinary system). Fraser's syndrome (an anomaly of the genitourinary system). Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (abnormally large growth of one or more body parts, large tongue, umbilical hernia at birth and abnormalities of the genitourinary system). Family history of Wilms tumor. Aniridia (part or all of the iris, the colored part of the eye is missing). Isolated hemihyperplasia (abnormally large growth of one or more parts of the body). Urinary tract problems such as cryptorchidism or hypospadias. The baby's mother was exposed to pesticides during pregnancy. ​ Having certain conditions can increase your risk of renal cell cancer. Renal cell carcinoma can be associated with the following conditions: ​ Von Hippel-Lindau disease (an inherited disorder that causes abnormal growth of blood vessels). Children with von Hippel-Lindau disease should be screened annually for kidney cancer by abdominal ultrasound or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), starting at 8-11 years of age. Tuberous sclerosis (an inherited disorder characterized by benign fatty cysts in the kidneys). Familial renal cell carcinoma (an inherited disorder that occurs when certain changes in the genes that cause kidney cancer are passed from parent to child). Medullary kidney cancer (rare kidney cancer that grows and spreads rapidly). Hereditary leiomyomatosis (an inherited disorder that increases the risk of cancers of the kidney, skin, and uterus). Chemotherapy or radiation therapy for childhood cancers such as neuroblastoma, soft tissue sarcomas, leukemia, or Wilms' tumor may also increase the risk of kidney cancer. ​ 4.3. Williams Tumor Screening Tests ​ Screening tests are performed on children at increased risk of Wilms' tumor. These tests can help detect cancer early and reduce the chances of dying from cancer. ​ In general, children with an increased risk of Wilms tumor should be screened for Wilms tumor every 3 months until they are 8 years old. Abdominal ultrasound is usually used for screening. Small Wilms tumors can be detected and removed before symptoms appear. ​ Children with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome or hemihyperplasia are also screened for liver and adrenal tumors that are associated with these genetic syndromes. A test to check the level of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in the blood and an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity are performed up to 4 years of age. An ultrasound of the kidneys is done at the age of 4 to 7 years. A medical examination by a specialist (geneticist or pediatric oncologist) is done twice a year. In children with certain gene changes, a different abdominal ultrasound schedule may be used. ​ Children with aniridia and a certain gene change are tested for Wilms tumor every 3 months until they are 8 years old. An abdominal ultrasound is used for screening. ​ Some children develop Wilms' tumor in both kidneys. They often appear when a Wilms tumor is first diagnosed, but a Wilms tumor can also occur in a second kidney after successfully treating a child for a Wilms tumor in one kidney. Children with an increased risk of a second Wilms tumor in another kidney should be screened for Wilms tumor every 3 months for up to 8 years. Abdominal ultrasound can be used for screening. ​ 4.4. Signs of Williams' tumor ​ Sometimes childhood kidney tumors do not cause signs and symptoms, and the parent finds the mass in the abdomen by accident or the mass is in the process of a good child health check. These and other signs and symptoms can be caused by kidney tumors or other conditions. Check with your child's doctor if your child has any of the following: ​ A lump, swelling, or pain in the abdomen. Blood in the urine. High blood pressure (headache, feeling very tired, chest pain, or problems with vision or breathing). Hypercalcemia (loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, weakness or feeling very tired). Fever for no known reason. Loss of appetite. Losing weight for an unknown reason. A Wilms tumor that has spread to the lungs or liver can cause the following signs and symptoms: ​ Cough. Blood in sputum. Labored breathing. Abdominal pain. ​ 4.5. Tests for the diagnosis of Wilms tumor and other kidney tumors in children ​ The following tests and procedures can be used: ​ Physical examination and health history A body exam to check for general signs of health, including checking for signs of illness such as bumps or anything else that seems unusual. There will also be a history of the patient's health habits, as well as past illnesses and treatments. ​ Complete blood count (CBC) : a procedure in which a blood sample is taken and checked for the following: The number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. The amount of hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying protein) in red blood cells. The portion of a blood sample made up of red blood cells. ​ Studies of the chemical composition of blood : A procedure in which a blood sample is tested to measure the amount of certain substances that enter the bloodstream by organs and tissues of the body. An unusual (more or less than usual) amount of a substance may be a sign of illness. This test is done to check how well the liver and kidneys are working. ​ Kidney function test: A procedure in which blood or urine samples are analyzed to measure the amount of certain substances excreted by the kidneys into the blood or urine. An increased or less than normal amount of a substance may be a sign that the kidneys are not working properly. ​ Urinalysis: A test to check the color of urine and its contents, such as sugar, protein, blood, and bacteria. ​ Ultrasound procedure : A procedure in which high energy sound waves (ultrasound) are reflected from internal tissues or organs and create an echo. The echo forms a picture of body tissue called a sonogram. To diagnose a kidney tumor, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is done. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4 4.5. Abdominal ultrasound. An ultrasound probe connected to the computer is pressed against the abdominal skin. The transducer reflects sound waves from internal organs and tissues, creating an echo that forms a sonogram (computer image). CT (computed tomography) : A procedure in which a series of detailed images of areas inside the body, such as the chest, abdomen and pelvis, are taken from different angles. The pictures were taken by a computer connected to an X-ray machine. The dye will be injected into a vein or swallowed to make organs and tissues more visible. This procedure is also called computed tomography, computed tomography, or computed axial tomography. ​ MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) with gadolinium : A procedure that uses a magnet, radio waves, and a computer to create a series of detailed images of areas inside the body, such as the abdomen. A substance called gadolinium is injected into a vein. Gadolinium gathers around cancer cells, so they appear brighter in the picture. This procedure is also called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). ​ X-ray : An X-ray is a type of energy beam that can pass through the body onto a film, creating an image of areas inside the body, such as the chest and abdomen. ​ PET-CT : A procedure that combines positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) images. PET and CT scans are performed simultaneously on the same machine. Images from both scans are combined to create a more detailed picture than any test could do on its own. A PET scan is a procedure to look for malignant tumor cells in the body. A small amount of radioactive glucose (sugar) is injected into the vein. The PET scanner rotates around the body and takes a picture of where glucose is being used in the body. Cancer cells appear brighter because they are more active and consume more glucose than normal cells. ​ Biopsy : Removing cells or tissues so that a pathologist can examine them under a microscope to check for signs of cancer. The decision to have a biopsy is based on the following: The size of the tumor. Stage of cancer. If the tumor appears to be resectable or Wilms' tumor is stage I or II, biopsy is not performed to avoid proliferation of tumor cells during the procedure. Whether there is cancer in one or both kidneys. Whether cancer is clearly shown on imaging. Whether the patient is in a clinical trial. A biopsy can be done before starting treatment, after chemotherapy to shrink a tumor, or after surgery to remove a tumor. ​ 4.6. Factors influencing the forecast convalescence and treatment options ​ The prognosis and treatment options for Wilms' tumor depend on the following conditions: ​ How tumor cells differ from normal kidney cells under a microscope. Stage of cancer. The type of tumor. Child's age. Is it possible to completely remove the tumor with surgery? Are there any changes in chromosomes or genes. Whether the cancer has just been diagnosed or has recurred (returned). The prognosis for renal cell carcinoma depends on the following: ​ Stage of cancer. Whether the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. The prognosis for rhabdoid kidney tumors depends on the following: ​ The age of the child at the time of diagnosis. Stage of cancer. Whether the cancer has spread to the head or spinal cord ... The prognosis for clear cell sarcoma of the kidney depends on the following: ​ The age of the child at the time of diagnosis. Stage of cancer. ​ 4.7. How cancer spreads throughout the body ​ Cancer spreads through the body in three ways. ​ Cancer can spread through tissues, the lymphatic system, and the blood: ​ Textile. Cancer spreads from where it originated to surrounding areas. The lymphatic system. Cancer spreads from where it originated to the lymphatic system. Cancer spreads through the lymphatic vessels to other parts of the body. Blood. Cancer spreads from where it originated into the bloodstream. Cancer spreads through the blood vessels to other parts of the body. Cancer can spread from where it originated to other parts of the body. ​ When cancer spreads to another part of the body, it is called metastasis. Cancer cells break away from where they originated (primary tumor) and travel through the lymphatic system or blood. ​ The lymphatic system. Cancer enters the lymphatic system, travels through the lymphatic vessels, and forms a tumor (metastatic tumor) in another part of the body. Blood. Cancer enters the bloodstream, travels through the blood vessels, and forms a tumor (metastatic tumor) in another part of the body. A metastatic tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. For example, if a Wilms tumor spreads to the lungs, the cancer cells in the lungs are actually Wilms tumor cells. The disease is Wilms' metastatic tumor, not lung cancer. ​ 4.8. Treatments for Williams' tumor in children ​ There are various treatments for patients with Wilms' tumor and other kidney tumors in children. ​ Various treatments are available for children with Wilms kidney tumors and other childhood kidney tumors. Some treatments are standard (currently used) and some are in clinical trials. A treatment clinical trial is a scientific study designed to help improve existing treatments or provide information about new treatments for patients with cancer. When clinical trials show that a new treatment is better than the standard treatment, the new treatment can become the standard treatment. ​ Because cancer is rare in children, clinical trials should be considered. Some clinical trials are only open to patients who have not yet started treatment. ​ Children with Wilms' tumor or other kidney tumors in children should plan for treatment with a team of healthcare professionals who are experts in treating childhood cancer. ​ Your child's treatment will be overseen by a pediatric oncologist, a doctor who specializes in treating children with cancer. The pediatric oncologist works with other pediatric providers who are experts in treating children with Wilms' tumor or other kidney tumors in children and who specialize in specific areas of medicine. This may include the following specialists: ​ Pediatrician. Pediatric surgeon or urologist. Radiologist oncologist. Rehabilitation specialist. Specialist Pediatric Nurse. Social worker . Six types of treatments are used: 1. Operation Two types of surgeries are used to treat kidney tumors: ​ Nephrectomy : Wilms tumor and other kidney tumors in children are usually treated with nephrectomy (surgery to remove the entire kidney). You can also remove nearby lymph nodes and check them for signs of cancer. Sometimes a kidney transplant (surgery to remove a kidney and replace it with a kidney from a donor) is done when the cancer affects both kidneys and the kidneys are not working properly. ​ Partial nephrectomy : If cancer is found in both kidneys or may have spread to both kidneys, surgery may include partial nephrectomy (removal of a tumor in the kidney and a small amount of normal tissue around it). A partial nephrectomy is done to keep the kidneys working. Partial nephrectomy is also called renal sparing surgery. After a doctor removes any tumors that can be seen during surgery, some patients may be given chemotherapy or radiation therapy after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells. Treatment given after surgery to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence is called adjuvant therapy. Sometimes surgery is done again to see if the cancer remains after chemotherapy or radiation therapy. ​ Sometimes the tumor cannot be removed with surgery for one of the following reasons: ​ The tumor is too close to important organs or blood vessels. The tumor is too large to be removed. Cancer affects both kidneys if the tumors are not very small. There is a blood clot in the vessels near the liver. The patient has trouble breathing because the cancer has spread to the lungs. In this case, a biopsy is done first. Chemotherapy is then given to reduce the size of the tumor before surgery, to preserve as much healthy tissue as possible and reduce problems after surgery. This is called neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Radiation therapy is given after surgery. 2. Radiation therapy ​ Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high-energy X-rays or other types of radiation to kill cancer cells or prevent them from growing. External beam radiation therapy uses a device outside the body to direct radiation to an area of the body affected by cancer. ​ External beam radiation therapy is used to treat Wilms' tumor and other kidney tumors in children. ​ 3. Chemotherapy ​ Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells by either killing the cells or stopping them from dividing. When chemotherapy is taken by mouth or injected into a vein or muscle, the drugs enter the bloodstream and can reach cancer cells throughout the body (systemic chemotherapy). Combination chemotherapy is treatment with two or more anticancer drugs. ​ Systemic chemotherapy is used to treat Wilms' tumor and other kidney tumors in children. ​ Chemotherapy is sometimes given before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor, to preserve as much healthy tissue as possible and to reduce problems after surgery. This is called neoadjuvant chemotherapy. ​ 4. Immunotherapy ​ Immunotherapy is a treatment that uses the patient's immune system to fight cancer. Substances produced by the body or in the laboratory are used to enhance, direct, or restore the body's natural defenses against cancer. This cancer treatment is a type of biological therapy. ​ Interferon and interleukin-2 (IL-2) are types of immunotherapy used to treat renal cell carcinoma in children. Interferon can slow tumor growth and help kill cancer cells. IL-2 enhances the growth and activity of many immune cells, especially lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). Lymphocytes can attack and kill cancer cells. ​ 5. High-dose stem cell rescue chemotherapy ​ High doses of chemotherapy are prescribed to kill cancer cells. Healthy cells, including hematopoietic cells, are also destroyed in cancer treatments. Stem cell rescue is a treatment to replace hematopoietic cells. Stem cells (immature blood cells) are removed from the patient's blood or bone marrow, frozen and stored. After the patient completes chemotherapy, the stored stem cells are thawed and returned to the patient as an infusion. These stem cells turn into (and repair) blood cells. ​ High-dose stem cell rescue chemotherapy can be used to treat rhabdoid kidney tumor or recurrent Wilms tumor. 6. Targeted therapy ​ Targeted therapy is a type of treatment that uses drugs or other substances to identify and destroy certain cancer cells. Targeted therapy usually does less damage to normal cells than chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Targeted therapies used to treat kidney tumors in children may include the following: ​ Tyrosine kinase inhibitors: This targeted therapy blocks the signals that cancer cells need to grow and divide. Larotrectinib and entrectinib can be used to treat congenital mesoblastic nephroma with a specific gene change that cannot be removed with surgery, has spread to other parts of the body, or has continued to grow during treatment. This combination is also being studied for the treatment of congenital mesoblastic nephroma that has returned after treatment. Sunitinib or cabozantinib can be used to treat renal cell carcinoma. Axitinib is being studied in combination with a monoclonal antibody (nivolumab) to treat renal cell carcinoma that cannot be surgically removed or has spread to other parts of the body. Histone methyltransferase inhibitors: This targeted therapy can inhibit the growth and division of cancer cells. Tasemetostat is being studied for the treatment of a rhabdoid kidney tumor that does not respond or has returned after treatment. Monoclonal Antibody Therapy: Monoclonal antibodies of the immune system are proteins made in the laboratory for the treatment of many diseases, including cancer. As a cancer treatment, these antibodies can attach to a specific target on cancer cells or other cells that can promote cancer cell growth. The antibodies are then able to kill cancer cells, block their growth, or prevent them from spreading. Monoclonal antibodies are given by infusion. They can be used alone or to carry drugs, toxins, or radioactive materials directly to cancer cells. Nivolumab, or a combination of nivolumab and a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (axitinib), is being studied for renal cell carcinoma that cannot be removed with surgery or has spread to other parts of the body. ​ 4.9. Side Effects of Treating Williams' Kidney Tumor in Children ​ Treating Wilms' tumor and other kidney tumors in children can cause side effects. ​ Side effects from cancer treatments that start after treatment and last for months or years are called late effects. Late effects of cancer treatments may include the following: ​ Physical problems such as heart, kidney, or pregnancy problems. Infertility. Changes in mood, feelings, thinking, learning, or memory. A second cancer (newer cancers), such as leukemia, gastrointestinal cancer, or breast cancer. Some late effects can be treated or controlled. It is important to talk with your child's healthcare providers about the impact cancer treatment can have on your child. Clinical trials are being done to find out if lower doses from chemotherapy and radiation can be used to reduce the late effects of treatment without changing how well the treatment works. ​ Monitoring for late kidney-related effects in patients with Wilms tumor and related conditions includes the following: ​ Children with WAGR syndrome are monitored throughout their lives as they are at increased risk of developing hypertension and kidney disease. Children with Wilms' tumor and genitourinary abnormalities are monitored because they are at increased risk of late renal failure. Patients with Wilms tumor and aniridia without genitourinary pathology are at lower risk but are monitored for kidney disease or renal failure. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. 4.9. COST OF TREATMENT AND DIAGNOSIS OF KIDNEY CANCER IN TURKEY ​ Kidney cancer biopsy from $ 450 CT (computed tomography) for kidney cancer from $ 50 PET-CT for kidney cancer from $ 500 Chemotherapy for breast cancer from $ 1200 Cyberknife for kidney cancer from $ 4400 Da Vinci robotic system for kidney cancer from $ 16,000 Gamma Knife for Kidney Cancer from $ 6000 Nano Knife for Kidney Cancer from $ 12,000 Removal of the kidney for kidney cancer from $ 10,000 Radiation therapy for rectal cancer on request сттт Need help? ​ Doctors-coordinators will advise you and help you with the choice. Medikal & Estetik Group services are free of charge for you and do not affect the clinic bill. ​ Find a solution ​ Medikal & Estetik Group coordinator will help you find the best solution for cancer treatment ​ CHOOSE CLINIC ​ About Medikal & Estetik Group ​ Second opinion ​ Before traveling, you can get an opinion from a Turkish doctor on your diagnosis and prescribed treatment. For the patient, this is an opportunity to receive advice from the world's best specialists .

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