2.2. How the stage is determined
2.3. Systems describing the stage
3.1. Many factors can affect your prognosis
3.2. Finding information about your forecast is a personal decision
3.3. Understanding survival statistics
3.4. If you decide not to be treated
3.5. Understanding the difference between treatment and remission
If you have a symptom or screening test result that suggests cancer, your doctor should find out if it is caused by cancer or some other cause. The doctor may start by asking about your personal and family medical history and conduct a physical examination. The doctor may also order lab tests, imaging (scans), or other tests or procedures. You may also need a biopsy, which is often the only way to accurately determine if you have cancer.
This page describes tests that are often used to diagnose cancer. Other tests may be ordered depending on your symptoms.
1.1. Laboratory tests
High or low levels of certain substances in the body can be a sign of cancer. Thus, laboratory tests of your blood, urine, or other body fluids that detect these substances can help doctors make a diagnosis. However, abnormal laboratory results are not a sure sign of cancer. Learn more about laboratory tests and how they are used to diagnose cancer.
Some laboratory tests involve testing blood or tissue samples for tumor markers. Tumor markers are substances that are produced by cancer cells or other cells in the body in response to cancer. Most tumor markers are produced by normal cells and cancer cells, but at a much higher level they are produced by cancer cells. Learn more about tumor markers and how they are used to diagnose cancer.
1.2. Visual tests
Imaging tests create images of areas inside your body that help the doctor determine if a tumor is present. These pictures can be done in several ways:
1. Computed tomography
Computed tomography uses an x-ray machine connected to a computer to take a series of pictures of your organs from different angles. These images are used to create detailed 3D images of the inside of your body.
Sometimes, you may receive dye or other contrast material before scanning. You can swallow the dye or inject it into a vein with a needle. The contrast material helps make images easier to read by highlighting specific areas on the body.
During a CT scan, you will lie motionless on a table that is inserted into a donut-shaped scanner. The CT machine moves around you to take pictures. Learn more about CT scans and how they are used to diagnose cancer.
2. MRI
An MRI uses powerful magnetic and radio waves to photograph your body in slices. These slices are used to create detailed images of the inside of your body, which can show the difference between healthy and unhealthy tissue.
When you have an MRI, you lie motionless on a table that is placed in a long, circular chamber. The MRI machine makes loud pounding sounds and rhythmic beats.
Sometimes you may be injected with a special dye into a vein before or during an MRI. This dye, called a contrast agent, can brighten tumors in images.
3. Nuclear scanning
A nuclear scan uses RadioActive material to shoot inside the body. This type of scan can also be called radionuclide scan.
Before this scan, you receive an injection of a small amount of radioactive material, sometimes called an indicator. It travels through your bloodstream and builds up in certain bones or organs.
During a scan, you lie motionless on a table while a machine called a scanner detects and measures the radioactivity in your body, creating images of bones or organs on a computer screen or film.
After scanning, the radioactive material in your body will lose its radioactivity over time. It can also leave your body in urine or stool.
4. X-ray
A bone scan is a type of nuclear scan that checks for abnormal areas or damage in bones. They can be used to diagnose bone cancer or cancer that has spread to the bone (also called metastatic bone tumors).
Before this test, a very small amount of radioactive material is injected into your vein. Passing through the blood, the material accumulates in abnormal areas of the bone. Places of accumulation of material are displayed on images taken with a special scanner. These areas are called hotspots.
5. PET scan
PET is a type of nuclear scan that marks detailed 3-D images of the areas inside the body where glucose is absorbed. Since cancer cells often consume more glucose than healthy cells, images can be used to detect cancer in the body.
Before the scan, you receive an injection of an indicator called radioactive glucose. During scanning, you will lie on a table that moves back and forth through the scanner.
6. ultrasound
Ultrasound examinations use high energy sound waves that people cannot hear. Sound waves bounce off the tissues inside your body. The computer uses these echoes to create images of areas inside your body. This picture is called a sonogram.
During the ultrasound exam, you will lie on a table while the technician slowly moves a device, called a transducer, on the skin over the area of the body being examined. The sensor is coated with a warm gel that makes it easier to glide over the skin.
6. X-rays
X-rays use low doses of radiation to create images inside your body. The x-ray machine will position you and direct the x-ray beam to the desired part of your body. While the photo is being taken, you will need to remain still and may need to hold your breath for a second or two.
1.3. Biopsy
In most cases, doctors need to do a biopsy to diagnose cancer. A biopsy is a procedure in which a doctor takes a sample of tissue. The pathologist looks at the tissue under a microscope and runs other tests to see if the tissue is cancer. The pathologist describes the results in a pathology report, which provides details of your diagnosis. Pathology reports play an important role in the diagnosis of cancer and help guide treatment options. Learn more about pathology reports and the type of information they contain.
A biopsy sample can be obtained in several ways :
1. With a needle: The doctor uses a needle to extract tissue or fluid. This method is used for bone marrow aspiration, lumbar puncture, and some biopsies of the breast, prostate, and liver.
2. With endoscopy : The doctor uses a thin, illuminated tube called an endoscope to examine areas inside the body. Endoscopes go into natural openings in the body, such as the mouth or anus. If the doctor sees abnormal tissue during the examination, he or she will remove the abnormal tissue along with some of the surrounding normal tissue through an endoscope.
Examples of endoscopic examinations:
Colonoscopy - examination of the colon and rectum. In this type of examination, an endoscope is passed through the anus, allowing the doctor to examine the rectum and colon. If the doctor finds polyps, he will remove them and send them to the laboratory for analysis.
Bronchoscopy - examination of the trachea, bronchi and lungs. In this type of examination, the endoscope is passed through the mouth or nose and into the throat.
3. During the operation: the surgeon removes the area of abnormal cells during surgery. The operation can be excisional or postoperative.
4. With excisional biopsy the surgeon removes the entire area of abnormal cells. Often, some of the normal tissue around these cells is also removed.
5. For postoperative biopsy the surgeon removes only part of the abnormal area.
Some biopsies may require sedation or anesthesia.
Sedatives are medicines that help you relax and stay still or sleep during the biopsy.
Anesthesia relieves pain. This refers to drugs or other substances that make you feel or faint. There are three types of anesthesia:
Local anesthesia causing loss of sensation in one small area of the body.
Regional anesthesia causing numbness in a part of the body, such as an arm or leg.
General anesthesia causing loss of sensation and complete loss of consciousness, which seems to be a very deep sleep.
1.4. After cancer diagnosis
If the biopsy and other tests show you have cancer, you may need to have several more tests to help your doctor plan treatment. For example, your doctor will need to figure out the stage of your cancer. For some cancers, knowing the extent of the tumor or the risk group you are at is important in deciding the best treatment. Your tumor may also be further tested for other tumor or genetic markers.
F Focus Onco test $ 6932 - $ 6932
А Blood test for tumor markers $ 150 - $ 500
Thyroid hormone test (including T3, T4, TSH) $ 150 - $ 200
Blood tests for lymphoma $ 800 - $ 1100
Angiography $ 700 - $ 1500
B Biopsy $ 450 - $ 4853
Lung biopsy $ 1500 - $ 3000
Breast biopsy $ 1000 - $ 1500
Breast biopsy $ 1000 - $ 1500
Liver biopsy $ 1500 - $ 1750
Pancreas biopsy $ 1500 - $ 1500
Kidney biopsy $ 1500 - $ 1500
Fusion Prostate Biopsy $ 2200 - $ 2680
TRUS guided prostate biopsy $ 700 - $ 900
Thyroid biopsy $ 1200 - $ 1500
Bronchoscopy with biopsy $ 1796 - $ 5000
D Genetic examination $ 200 - $ 900
D Dermatoscopy $ 100 - $ 150
And Immunohistochemistry $ 600 - $ 1000
By CT (computed tomography) $ 50 - $ 400
Abdominal CT scan $ 300 - $ 950
Chest CT scan $ 100 - $ 350
CT scan of the paranasal sinuses $ 128 - $ 300
Capsule endoscopy $ 4000 - $ 4000
Colonoscopy $ 200 - $ 1500
Colonoscopy with biopsy $ 250 - $ 350
Comprehensive diagnostics of oncology Find out the price
Comprehensive diagnostics for stomach cancer $ 3000 - $ 5600
Comprehensive diagnostics for esophageal cancer $ 2000 - $ 4500
Comprehensive diagnostics for cervical cancer $ 2000 - $ 5000
Comprehensive diagnostics of breast cancer $ 1500 - $ 5000
Comprehensive diagnostics of lung cancer $ 1500 - $ 5800
Comprehensive diagnostics of prostate cancer $ 2200 - $ 7300
Comprehensive diagnosis of thyroid cancer $ 2300 - $ 3200
Comprehensive diagnosis of sarcoma $ 2600 - $ 4000
Consultation with an interventional radiologist $ 110 - $ 125
Consultation with a mammologist $ 80 - $ 160
Consultation with a neurosurgeon $ 50 - $ 140
Consultation with an oncologist $ 80 - $ 200
Radiologist's consultation $ 80 - $ 160
Thoracic surgeon consultation $ 80 - $ 120
M abdominal MRI $ 150 - $ 650
MRI of the abdominal cavity with contrast $ 550 - $ 550
MRI of the brain with contrast $ 320 - $ 550
MRI of one area $ 50 - $ 1200
Mammography $ 50 - $ 250
About Cancer Check-up $ 700 - $ 1220
Cancer Check-up for Women $ 676 - $ 1250
Cancer Check-up for men $ 1000 - $ 1250
Online consultation with a hematologist $ 140 - $ 140
P PET of the brain with FDG $ 1000 - $ 1000
PET / CT $ 500 - $ 1100
PET-CT for lymphoma $ 600 - $ 1100
PET-CT for breast cancer $ 600 - $ 800
PET-CT for lung cancer $ 600 - $ 1100
PET / CT with Gallium 68 (DOTA) $ 800 - $ 2000
PET / CT with Gallium 68 (DOTATATE) $ 950 - $ 2000
PET-CT with Gallium 68 (PSMA) $ 800 - $ 3000
Revision of MRI results $ 80 - $ 200
P Revision of histological material $ 350 - $ 2100
C Scintigraphy $ 75 - $ 2000
Scintigraphy $ 75 - $ 105
T KRAS, NRAS, BRAF gene mutation test $ 2200 - $ 2200
Fine needle aspiration biopsy $ 550 - $ 2400
Trepan biopsy $ 1000 - $ 2250
In breast ultrasound $ 150 - $ 200
F Fiber Scan $ 450 - $ 450
2.1. Stage of cancer
Stage refers to the degree of your cancer, such as how large the tumor is and whether it has spread. Cancer stage information will help your doctor:
Understand how serious your cancer is and your chances of survival
Plan the best treatment for you
Identify clinical trials that may be treatment options for you
Cancer is always referred to as the stage at which it was diagnosed, even if it is getting worse or spreading. New information about how the cancer has changed over time is added to the baseline stage. So the stage doesn't change, even if the cancer can.
2.2. How the stage is determined
To find out the stage of your illness, your doctor may order x-rays, lab tests, and other tests or procedures.
2.3. Systems describing the stage
There are many staging systems. Some, such as the TNM staging system, are used for many types of cancer. Others are specific to a certain type of cancer. Most intermediate systems include information about:
Where is the tumor in the body
Cell type (eg, adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma)
Tumor size
Whether the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes
Whether the cancer has spread to another part of the body
The grade of the tumor, which indicates how abnormal the cancer cells look and how likely the tumor is to grow and spread.
Intermediate system TNM
The TNM system is the most widely used cancer staging system. Most hospitals and health centers use TNM as their primary cancer reporting method. You are likely to see your cancer with this staging system in your pathology report, unless you have cancer that uses a different staging system. Examples of cancers with different staging systems include brain and spinal cord tumors and blood cancers.
In TNM system:
T indicates the size and grade of the underlying tumor. The primary tumor is commonly referred to as the primary tumor.
The letter N indicates the number of nearby lymph nodes that have cancer.
The letter M indicates the presence of cancer metastases. This means that the cancer has spread from the primary tumor to other parts of the body.
When your cancer is described by the TNM system, there will be numbers after each letter that give more information about the cancer, such as T1N0MX or T3N1M0. The following explains what the letters and numbers mean:
Primary tumor (T)
TH: It is impossible to measure the underlying tumor.
T0: No underlying tumor found.
T1, T2, T3, T4: Refers to the size and / or size of the underlying tumor. The higher the number after the letter T, the larger the tumor or the more it grows into nearby tissues. T can be further split to provide more detailed information, eg T3a and T3b.
Regional lymph nodes (N)
NX: Cancer in nearby lymph nodes cannot be measured.
N0: There is no cancer in the neighboring lymph nodes.
N1, N2, N3: Refers to the number and location of lymph nodes containing cancer. The higher the number after N, the more lymph nodes are affected by cancer.
Distant metastases (M)
MX: Metastases impossible to measure.
M0: Cancer has not spread to other parts of the body.
M1: Cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
Other ways to describe a stage
The TNM system helps to describe cancer in detail. But for many cancers, TNM combinations are grouped into five less detailed stages. When talking about your cancer, your doctor or nurse may describe it as one of the following stages:
Stage 0: Abnormal cells are present, but have not spread to nearby tissues. Also called carcinoma in situ or CIS. CIS is not cancer, but it can become cancer.
Stage I, Stage II and Stage III: Cancer is present. The higher the number, the larger the cancer and the more it has spread to nearby tissues.
Stage IV: Cancer has spread to distant parts of the body.
Another staging system that is used for all types of cancer divides cancer into one of five main categories. This staging system is used more often by cancer registries than by doctors. But you can still hear your doctor or nurse describe your cancer in one of the following ways:
In situ - Abnormal cells are present but have not spread to nearby tissues.
Localized - The cancer is confined to the site where it started, with no signs of spreading.
Regional - The cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, tissues, or organs.
Distant - The cancer has spread to distant parts of the body.
Unknown - Insufficient information is available to determine the stage.
If you have cancer, you may have questions about how serious your cancer is and what your chances of survival are. Assessing how your illness will go is called prognosis. It can be difficult to understand what the prognosis means, and it can also be difficult to talk about it even to doctors.
3.1. Many factors can affect your prognosis
Some of the factors that affect the prognosis include:
The type of cancer and its location in your body
The stage of the cancer, which refers to the size of the cancer and if it has spread to other parts of your body
Cancer in a class that talks about how abnormal cancer cells look under a microscope. The score gives an idea of how quickly the cancer can grow and spread.
Some features of cancer cells
Your age and how healthy you were before cancer
How do you respond to treatment
3.2. Finding information about your forecast is a personal decision
When you have cancer, you and your loved ones are confronted with many unknowns. Understanding your cancer and knowing what to expect can help you and your loved ones make decisions. Here are some of the solutions you may come across:
Which treatment is best for you
If you want treatment
How to best take care of yourself and deal with treatment side effects
How to deal with financial and legal issues
Many people want to know their prognosis. It is easier for them to cope when they know more about their cancer. You can ask your doctor about survival statistics or find this information yourself. Or, you may find the statistics confusing and intimidating and think they are too impersonal to be of value to you. It's up to you how much information you need.
If you do decide you want to know more, the doctor who knows the most about your situation can discuss your prognosis and explain what the statistics might mean.
3.3. Understanding survival statistics
Doctors estimate the prognosis using statistics that researchers have collected over the years about people with the same type of cancer. Several types of statistics can be used to evaluate a forecast. The most commonly used statistics include:
Cancer-related survival.
This is the percentage of patients with a particular type and stage of cancer who did not die of cancer within a specified period of time after diagnosis ... The time period can be 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, etc., with 5 years being the most commonly used time period. Cancer-related survival is also called disease-specific survival. In most cases, cancer-related survival is based on the causes of death listed on medical records.
Relative survival.
This statistic is another method used to estimate cancer survival that does not use information about the cause of death. This is the percentage of cancer patients who survived for a period of time after diagnosis, compared to people without cancer.
Overall survival
This is the percentage of people with a particular type and stage of cancer who did not die for any reason within a specified period of time after diagnosis.
Disease Free Survival
This statistic represents the percentage of patients who show no signs of cancer within a specified period of time after treatment. Other names for this statistic are - survival without relapses or progression ...
Since statistics are based on large groups of people, they cannot be used to accurately predict what will happen to you. All different. Treatment options and how people respond to treatment can vary greatly. It also takes years to see the benefits of new treatments and cancer searches. Thus, the statistics your doctor uses to predict may not be based on the treatments that are in use today.
However, your doctor can tell you that you have a good prognosis if statistics show that your cancer is likely to respond well to treatment. Or he may tell you that you have a poor prognosis if the cancer is harder to control. Whatever your doctor tells you, remember that the prognosis is an educated guess. Your doctor cannot say for sure how this will go for you.
3.4. If you decide not to be treated
If you choose not to get treatment, the doctor who knows your situation best will be able to discuss your prognosis.
Survival statistics are most often taken from studies that compare treatments with each other, rather than treatment without treatment. Therefore, it can be difficult for your doctor to give you an accurate prognosis.
3.5. Understanding the difference between treatment and remission
To be cured means that after treatment there will be no trace of cancer and the cancer will never come back.
Remission means a decrease in the signs and symptoms of cancer. Remission can be partial or complete. In complete remission, all signs and symptoms of cancer disappeared.
If you remain in complete remission for 5 years or more, some doctors may say that you are cured. However, some cancer cells can remain in your body for years after treatment. These cells could one day cause cancer to recur. In most cases, cancers return within the first 5 years after treatment. But there is a chance the cancer will come back later. For this reason, doctors cannot say for sure that you are cured. The best they can say is that there are currently no signs of cancer.
Because cancer may return, your doctor will monitor you for years and run tests to look for signs of cancer returning. They will also look for signs of late side effects from the cancer treatment you received.
There are many types of cancer treatments. The types of treatment you receive will depend on the type of cancer and its prevalence.
Some cancer patients will be given only one treatment. But most people have a combination of treatments, such as surgery with chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy. When you need cancer treatment, there is a lot to learn and think about. It's okay to feel overwhelmed and confused. But by talking to your doctor and learning about the types of treatment you can get, you can better control the situation.
Testing biomarkers for cancer treatment
Biomarker testing is a way of looking for genes, proteins, and other substances (called biomarkers or tumor markers) that can provide information about cancer. Biomarker testing can help you and your doctor choose your cancer treatment.
Chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells. Find out how chemotherapy works against cancer, why it causes side effects and how it is used with other cancer treatments.
Hormone therapy
Hormone therapy is a treatment that slows or stops the growth of breast cancer and prostate, which uses hormones for growth. Learn about the types of hormone therapy and possible side effects.
Immunotherapy for cancer treatment
Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that helps your immune system fight off
cancer. This page explains the types of immunotherapy and how it is used.
against cancer and what to expect during treatment.
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Learn about the types of radiation, why side effects occur, which ones may occur and much more.
Stem cell transplant
Stem cell transplantation is a procedure that restores hematopoietic
stem cells in cancer patients in whom very high doses have been destroyed
chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Learn about the types of grafts, side effects,
that may occur and how stem cell transplants are used in
cancer treatment.
In cancer treatment, surgery is a procedure by which a surgeon removes cancer from your body. Learn about the different types of cancer surgery and what to expect before, during, and after surgery.
Targeted therapy
Targeted therapy is a type of cancer treatment that targets changes in cancer cells,
that help them grow, share and spread. Find out how targeted therapy
works against cancer, and common side effects that may occur.
The doctor selects the most effective techniques based on the results of a comprehensive examination. The treatment plan depends on factors:
location of the tumor;
the size of the neoplasm;
the presence of secondary foci (metastases);
age and general condition of the patient.
4.1. Rehabilitation after cancer treatment
For physical and psychological recovery after treatment, doctors may prescribe:
classes with a psychologist;
special training to improve the functioning of the organ on which the doctors performed the operation;
The patient's recovery takes place in a clinic, a specialized rehabilitation center or at the place of residence. The duration of rehabilitation is from several weeks to six months.
4.2. Benefits of cancer treatment in clinics in Turkey
Cancer treatment in Turkey is:
Operations with the preservation of limbs and organs.
High level of technical equipment in clinics. Equipment in foreign medical centers is renewed every 1-3 years.
An effective drug treatment that oncologists select after the genetic diagnosis of a tumor.
Access to the latest therapy and surgery techniques.
The best clinics in Turkey (click here )
4.3. Which doctors treat cancer?
The following specialists are involved in the treatment of cancer:
Oncosurgeon - performs operations to remove tumors.
Medical oncologist - specializes in cancer drug treatment (chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy).
Radiation Oncologist - Performs radiation therapy.
The best specialists in Turkey (click here)
4.4. Examples of the cost of treatment in Turkey
Basic diagnostics and tumor removal from $ 5370
Basic diagnostics + Lumpectomy from $ 7116
Mastectomy with check of lymph node involvement in breast cancer from $ 8500
Breast cancer diagnostics from $ 1989
Diagnostics + 1st line of drug therapy from $ 7420
Diagnostics and treatment of lung cancer in the oncological center from $ 18113
Extended diagnostics for lung cancer from $ 2849
Extended diagnostics for suspected lung cancer from $ 3502
Prostatectomy with Da Vinci robot from $ 14920
Special diagnostic program for prostate cancer from $ 3901
Prostate cancer from $ 6560
Prostate cancer from $ 4610
Diagnostics and treatment of sarcoma from $ 23682
Diagnosis of liver cancer + surgery from $ 22710
Liver cancer from $ 31,575
Surgery for stomach cancer on request
Diagnosis + Surgery + Chemotherapy on request
Comprehensive diagnostics for stomach cancer from $ 2499
Diagnostics and treatment of brain cancer from $ 24460
Basic diagnostics for brain cancer from $ 1028
Extended diagnostics + removal of education from $ 11232
Diagnostics + Removal of adenocarcinoma of the lungs from $ 17260
Treatment for adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas from $ 28510
Diagnostics and treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma from $ 18230
Removal of adenocarcinoma of the prostate using the Da Vinci robot from $ 22,180
Diagnostics + Operation + Chemotherapy from $ 30560
Pancreatic cancer from $ 5020
Diagnostics + Radioiodine therapy from $ 3720
Thyroid cancer from $ 7080
Basic diagnostics for cervical cancer from $ 943
Liver SIRT $ 30,000 - $ 45,000
Autologous bone marrow transplant $ 37000 - $ 55000
Brachytherapy for prostate cancer $ 2500 - $ 5500
Intraperitoneal chemotherapy HIPEC $ 20,000 - $ 46,000
Gamma Knife for Brain Tumor $ 5000 - $ 12000
Gastrectomy $ 5000 - $ 9000
Gastrectomy with Da Vinci robot $ 21500 - $ 21500
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) $ 2000 - $ 84000
Hysterectomy with Da Vinci robot $ 21700 - $ 21700
Immunotherapy $ 2000 - $ 6000
Immunotherapy with Keytruda (Pembrolizumab) Find out the price
Immunotherapy for sarcoma $ 3600 - $ 4200
Cyber Knife $ 4400 - $ 12000
Cyberknife for brain tumors $ 4400 - $ 12000
Cyber knife for lung cancer Find out the price
Cyber Knife for Prostate Cancer $ 6000 - $ 8000
Colectomy (colon resection) $ 8650 - $ 18000
Craniotomy $ 13300 - $ 27000
Xofigo Radium-223 Find out the price
Lumpectomy $ 5426 - $ 8000
Laryngectomy $ 4000 - $ 7000
Treatment with Lutetium-177 $ 11000 - $ 13000
Lobectomy (removal of a lobe of the lung) $ 7000 - $ 29489
Radiation therapy $ 3500 - $ 11000
Radiation therapy for brain tumor $ 8000 - $ 15000
Radiation therapy for stomach cancer $ 8500 - $ 15000
Radiation therapy for lung cancer $ 8000 - $ 18000
Radiation therapy for uterine cancer $ 8000 - $ 14000
Radiation therapy for breast cancer $ 8000 - $ 16000
Radiation therapy for esophageal cancer $ 7000 - $ 12000
Radiation therapy for prostate cancer Find out the price
Radiation therapy for cervical cancer $ 3000 - $ 15000
Radiation therapy for ovarian cancer $ 8000 - $ 12000
Radiation therapy for sarcoma $ 6500 - $ 11000
Mastectomy $ 2000 - $ 7700
Nano Knife $ 12000 - $ 18000
Omentectomy $ 6400 - $ 6400
Oophorectomy $ 2500 - $ 3000
Wertheim's operation $ 24000 - $ 24000
Whipple operation $ 14500 - $ 28000
Laryngeal cancer surgery $ 10240 - $ 10240
Stomach cancer surgery $ 5000 - $ 21000
Lung cancer surgery $ 10300 - $ 27000
Breast cancer surgery $ 2500 - $ 15000
Pancreatic cancer surgery $ 8500 - $ 14000
Tongue cancer surgery $ 20,000 - $ 20,000
Ovarian cancer surgery $ 6500 - $ 28000
Bone marrow transplant $ 19,900 - $ 130,000
Pneumonectomy (pulmonectomy) $ 11200 - $ 11200
Prostatectomy $ 7300 - $ 23000
Prostatectomy with Da Vinci robot $ 12000 - $ 23000
Radioiodine therapy $ 3000 - $ 6000
Radioembolization of the liver Find out the price
Bone resection with implant replacement Find out the price
Laryngeal tumor resection $ 4000 - $ 7000
Liver resection Find out the price
Esophageal resection Find out the price
Resection for liver cancer $ 20,000 - $ 25,000
Rectum resection $ 8000 - $ 30,000
Thyroid resection $ 4000 - $ 7700
Da Vinci robotic system $ 16000 - $ 22000
Segmental lung resection $ 11300 - $ 25000
Stereotactic radiosurgery Find out the price
Subtotal thyroidectomy $ 6000 - $ 6000
TUR (transurethral resection) of the prostate $ 2000 - $ 7500
Targeted therapy $ 3000 - $ 5000
Targeted therapy for lung cancer $ 2500 - $ 11700
Thyroidectomy $ 6000 - $ 11000
Allogeneic bone marrow transplant from an unrelated donor $ 75000 - $ 125000
Allogeneic bone marrow transplant from a related donor $ 60,000 - $ 75,000
Glioma removal $ 12600 - $ 21600
Removal of melanoma $ 7000 - $ 15000
Removal of meningioma Find out the price
Removal of the bladder with reconstruction $ 23000 - $ 26000
Brain tumor removal $ 4200 - $ 30,000
Pancreatic tumor removal Get the price
Spinal cord tumor removal $ 4200 - $ 4500
Testicular tumor removal $ 5000 - $ 8000
Kidney removal $ 10000 - $ 10000
Kidney removal laparoscopic $ 13000 - $ 16000
Focused ultrasound ablation (HIFU) Find out the price
Chemotherapy $ 600 - $ 9000
Chemotherapy for a brain tumor $ 1000 - $ 3000
Chemotherapy for stomach cancer $ 1700 - $ 5000
Chemotherapy for lung cancer $ 1200 - $ 9000
Chemotherapy for uterine cancer $ 2000 - $ 8000
Chemotherapy for uterine cancer $ 1500 - $ 5000
Chemotherapy for breast cancer Find out the price
Chemotherapy for liver cancer $ 800 - $ 4170
Chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer $ 1500 - $ 3500
Chemotherapy for prostate cancer $ 1000 - $ 5000
Chemotherapy for sarcoma $ 800 - $ 5444
Chemoembolization of the liver $ 5000 - $ 6000
Esophagectomy $ 8000 - $ 10000
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