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1. Why  Do cancer patients go to Turkey for treatment and diagnostics?


In Turkish clinics, an examination is available that allows you to accurately diagnose. For example, MRI-Fusion biopsy is a sampling of tumor tissue for histological examination, the progress of which is monitored using MRI. MRI-Fusion results are more accurate and informative for the doctor than ultrasound-guided biopsy, since during the procedure 30 tumor points are taken, not 12.

  • The latest equipment has been installed in Turkish medical centers. It allows not only effective treatment, but also minimizes the risk of sexual and urinary dysfunction. For example, in Turkey, tumor removal is available on the Da Vinci robotic surgeon. This type of operation is more accurate than others, since a special camera enlarges the area to be operated by 20 times, and the computer system processes the doctor's movements, eliminating hand tremors. For radiation therapy, Turkish clinics use devices from 2013-2018. release, which irradiate tumors with an accuracy of 0.5 mm, therefore, practically do not affect the surrounding nerves and blood vessels. For comparison, in the CIS, devices were installed in 2003-2008 with an impact accuracy of several cm.

In Turkey, patients receive high quality prostate cancer treatment at an affordable price. The level of equipment of the country's hospitals corresponds to that of American hospitals. Some Turkish clinics even entered the TOP of the most high-tech hospitals in the world from the Top Master's in Healthcare Administration. At the same time, the prices for treatment here are lower than in Germany and Israel.


How to get prostate cancer treatment in Turkey?Medikal & Estetik Group collected  leading clinics throughout Turkey that specialize in the treatment of prostate cancer. The rating is formed based on the choice of our patients. Leave a request on the site to receive detailed advice on the issues of interest and the cost of procedures. Our medical coordinator will help you choose the best medical center for your case and will organize your trip as soon as possible. You do not pay for Medikal & Estetik Group services!


2. Can prostate cancer be cured?

According to the data  American Society of Clinical Oncology , up to 100% of men who have received treatment for prostate cancer in the early stages, and about 30% in the later stages, survive the turn of 5 years. Therefore, it is important to start treatment immediately!

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that each case is individual, and the result depends on the correctly selected methods, the patient's age, general health and the characteristics of the disease.

3. How to choose a clinic for prostate cancer treatment abroad?

When choosing a clinic for prostate cancer treatment abroad, it is important to focus on:

  • Urologist qualification. Find out about the doctor's experience - the number of years of experience, the percentage of patients with prostate cancer whom he helped to recover. It is important that the doctor undergoes regular training and internship in other countries, participates in the exchange of experience with foreign specialists.

  • Techniques available at the medical center. In order for a man to receive treatment that is most effective in his case, and not the only one possible within a specific hospital, the clinic should use: low-traumatic and open operations, remote and contact radiation therapy, HIFU, chemotherapy, hormone and immunotherapy, cryoablation.

  • Equipment level. In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible and to pass with a minimum risk of complications, the clinic must have the latest medical equipment.

4. What affects the cost of treatment?

The main factor that determines the cost of prostate cancer treatment is the complex of prescribed procedures. At the same time, there are additional factors that affect the final receipt:

  • The scope of diagnostics. If the patient has previously undergone some kind of examination, its results (for example, histological blocks and glasses, disks with MRI, CT and PET-CT) must be taken with you to the medical center. The doctors will review the materials, and if they are informative, the procedures will not have to be repeated.

  • Selected country and medical center. Prices for prostate cancer treatment in a particular country depend on the level of economic development of the state. For example, the cost of robotic prostatectomy in Germany  from $ 19,800, and in Turkey from $ 12,000. If we talk about the difference in prices in different hospitals in the same country, they depend on the type of medical institution (private / public) and its class.

  • Additional non-medical services. Some hospitals provide free airport transfers and translation services, while others have to pay extra.

The cost of surgery to remove prostate cancer is influenced by:

  • Method of carrying out. Prostatectomy is performed laparoscopic, robotic, or traditional open method. The most expensive operation is with a Da Vinci robot, the average cost is with a laparoscope, the price for open surgery for prostate cancer is the lowest. It is important to understand that each of the procedures has its own indications and the choice depends on the stage of the disease and the type of tumor.

  • The scope of the intervention. Depending on the extent of the tumor, the patient may be shown to remove only the prostate, or together with nearby lymph nodes.

Лечение рака простаты в Турции

5. What does the diagnosis include?

The main diagnostic procedures for prostate cancer include:

1. Doctor's consultation and rectal-digital examination

The doctor collects the medical history, gets acquainted with the results of the earlier diagnostics and conducts a study that allows you to identify any deviations from the norm in the size, shape and structure of the prostate gland.

2. General, biochemical blood tests and test for tumor markers (PSA)

Laboratory blood tests determine abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs and the presence of the PSA protein in the blood, which is characteristic of prostate cancer.

3. Analysis of urine

Determines the presence of an infection.

4. Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)

With its help, the doctor identifies a neoplasm.


5. 4KSCORE blood test

This is an innovative diagnosis that allows you to determine whether a tumor is malignant or benign without a biopsy. If the procedure confirms the presence of cancer cells, the man is given an MRI-Fusion biopsy.

6.MRI-Fusion biopsy

Under the supervision of MRI, specialists collect tumor tissue in order to conduct their laboratory examination. Unlike ultrasound-guided biopsy, MRI-Fusion results are more accurate and informative for the doctor, since during the procedure, 30 points are taken, not 12.

7. Histological examination of the tumor

This is a laboratory analysis of the neoplasm, which determines the stage, the level of aggressiveness of the cancer and allows you to choose a treatment.

8. MRI or CT of the pelvic organs

These diagnostic methods help assess the prevalence of the disease in adjacent tissues.

9. PSMA PET-CT with Gallium 68

The procedure allows you to identify secondary neoplasms (metastases) in distant organs or the return of cancer (relapse).

10. Radioisotope research

Such a diagnosis helps to detect bone metastases and is indicated in the later stages of the disease.

6. How is prostate cancer treated in Turkey?

The treatment plan for prostate carcinoma is based on the results of a comprehensive diagnosis, the general condition of the patient and his age.

The main treatments for prostate cancer abroad include:

1. Operation TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate)

TUR is indicated at stage 0 of the disease. It does not require external incisions, so recovery is faster than after other operations. During TURP, surgeons remove the growth with a special needle through the urethra.


2. Minimally invasive surgery

This is the removal of the tumor through 4-5 small incisions - up to 2 cm. Such operations are indicated in the initial stages of cancer (1-3). Minimally invasive interventions include:

  • Robotic prostatectomy for prostate cancer - with the da Vinci robot. This is a surgical unit, which the doctor controls with a special console. Such an operation is the most accurate method for removing the prostate, since the robot's camera enlarges the area to be operated by 10 times, and the computer system processes the doctor's movements, eliminating hand tremors.

  • Laparoscopic prostatectomy for prostate cancer - the doctor performs this operation using a laparoscope. It consists of surgical instruments and a tube with a camera that transmits an image of the prostate gland to a monitor.

3. Open radical prostatectomy

The procedure allows you to remove tumors for which a low-traumatic operation is not indicated (at 4 stages). Open radical prostatectomy is performed through 1 incision up to 12 cm in size on the anterior abdominal wall or an incision up to 4 cm between the scrotum and the anus. With a widespread malignant process, regional lymph nodes and seminal vesicles are additionally removed.


4. Cryosurgery (cryoablation)

This is the freezing of the neoplasm with liquid nitrogen. As a result of exposure to low temperatures, malignant cells stop dividing and the tumor dies.

5. Orchiectomy (removal of the testicles)

The goal of the procedure is to reduce testosterone production and prevent relapse. Orchiectomy is performed by surgeons in addition to prostatectomy.

6. Radiotherapy (radiation therapy) for prostate cancer

During radiation therapy, the destruction of the tumor occurs due to the impact on it of radiation rays. For this, special devices are used - linear accelerators. In leading foreign hospitals, they are from 2013-2019. Such devices irradiate tumors with an accuracy of 0.5 mm, therefore, they practically do not harm the surrounding healthy tissues. This is especially important in radiation therapy for prostate tumors, since there are large vessels and nerves that are responsible for sexual and urinary functions nearby.

7. Brachytherapy for prostate cancer

This is contact (internal) radiation therapy. Specialists place special radioactive grains into the tumor, which are 2.5 times smaller than a grain of rice. They irradiate the tumor pointwise without affecting the surrounding healthy tissue. Gradually the granules lose their charge. They remain in the prostate and are absolutely safe for the body.

8. HIFU-therapy (FUS-ablation) of prostate cancer

This is a technique that destroys the tumor by exposure to ultrasound - high temperatures.

9. Immunotherapy (gene / biological therapy)

During such treatment, a man takes medications that activate the immune system. Thanks to this, the body begins to fight the tumor on its own - to recognize cancer cells and destroy them.

9. Chemotherapy

The patient takes chemotherapy drugs intravenously or in the form of tablets, which are carried with the blood flow to all organs and destroy metastases.

10. Radium 223 Xofigo (Xofigo Radium-223)

These are injections of a radiopharmaceutical that accumulates in the bones and destroys metastases there.

11. Androgen deprivation / androgen suppressive therapy (hormone therapy)

Its purpose is to stop the production of the hormone androgen, which promotes tumor growth. Such therapy is indicated for hormone-dependent neoplasm of the prostate, which metastases to distant organs and does not respond to other techniques.

12. Active surveillance (expectant tactics) for prostate cancer

A tumor can develop for more than 10 years without affecting the general condition of the body. Therefore, for older patients with the initial stage of the disease, doctors may recommend a waiting tactic - not prescribe any treatment. At the same time, with the regularity determined by the specialist, the man must undergo an examination. If it shows the rapid growth of the tumor, doctors select the methods of therapy and surgery.

7. Life after prostate cancer

  • How long does recovery and hospitalization take?

How long it takes to recover from prostate tumor treatment depends on the man's age and general health, treatment plan, stage of cancer, and type of tumor.

On average, recovery from prostatectomy takes 3 to 14 days (depending on the type of surgery). Doctors remove the urine catheter after 5-10 days. During this entire period, the patient is in the hospital. To get your pelvic floor muscles working properly, doctors may prescribe 3 days of physical therapy.

Hospitalization after HIFU lasts up to 1 week, catheterization - 5-7 days.

If a man underwent brachytherapy, he remains in the hospital for 1 day. Avoid prolonged contact with children and pregnant women for 2 months. During this time, the seeds lose 50% of their charge.

Chemotherapy, radiation, hormonal and immunotherapy are performed on an outpatient basis.

  • How to prevent relapse?

To reduce the risk of recurrent prostate cancer,  American Cancer Society  recommends:

  • to live an active lifestyle;

  • keep weight normal;

  • quit smoking.

  • How often do you need to be diagnosed after treatment?

The American Cancer Society recommends taking a PSA test every six months for 5 years. For a man who has been treated for advanced prostate cancer, the doctor may additionally prescribe a diagnosis, the purpose of which is to detect metastases in time, if any cancer cells were not destroyed during the previous treatment, and prescribe a new one.

  • What Happens to Sexuality After Treatment?

Doctors of foreign clinics own techniques that allow you to preserve erectile function:

  • If the size of the tumor allows, operations are performed using a low-traumatic method - using a Da Vinci robot or a laparoscope. During such operations, the risk of damage to the nerves that are responsible for erectile function is reduced, in contrast to open surgery.

  • For irradiation of cancer, the latest devices are used, which practically do not affect nearby healthy tissues (including nerves).

It is important to understand that each case is individual and there can be no guarantees. Ask your doctor about the percentage of his patients who still have erectile function and the methods to help them return to their sex life in case of complications.

To get help in choosing a clinic and organizing prostate cancer treatment in Turkey, leave a request on our website . At a convenient time for you, the medical coordinator of Medikal & Estetik Group will contact you. Ask him all your questions about diagnostics, therapy and surgery, doctors, hospitals and the cost of treating prostate cancer. Together with the coordinator, you will select the best medical center for your case.

So that we can book a consultation date for you at the clinic, the coordinating doctor will ask you to send him the available medical records and the results of the diagnostics that the patient underwent earlier. He will transfer them to the hospital of your choice, and within 1-5 days the medical center will send a preliminary program with prices.

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Doctors-coordinators will advise you and help you with the choice. Medikal & Estetik Group services  are free for you and do not affect the clinic bill.

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  • Xofigo Radium-223 From $ 12342

  • Radiation therapy from $ 8500

  • Comprehensive diagnostics of prostate cancer from $ 2200

  • Biopsy for prostate cancer from $ 450
  • CT (computed tomography) for prostate cancer from $ 50

  • PET-CT for prostate cancer from $ 500

  • Brachytherapy for prostate cancer  on request  

  • Prostatectomy for prostate cancer from $ 7300

  • Prostatectomy with Da Vinci robot for prostate cancer from $ 12,000

  • Brachytherapy for prostate cancer from $ 2500

  • Chemotherapy for prostate cancer from $ 1000

  • Cyber Knife for Prostate Cancer from $ 6000

  • Da Vinci robotic system for prostate cancer from $ 16,000

  • HIFU therapy for prostate cancer  on request  

  • Hormone therapy for prostate cancer on request  

  • Special diagnostic program for prostate cancer from $ 3901

  • Prostate cancer from $ 6560

  • Prostate cancer  on request 

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